Group 7-day waking average?

Bore da pawb... a straight 10 for me this morning after a 10.1 before bed :(
Can I snuggle with you on the 10 step? Off to opticians a bit later on.
7.3 here, not too bad considering an evening's eating and drinking at my sister's! ( all good low carb stuff, meat, veg, cheese etc, but had to run a bit higher to account for the alcohol!)
Morning 5.3
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.0 today. I deserve it as has done cottage pie last night (which was delish) and a ripple and 2 breakaway biscuits. Confession over 😱
Glad you're feeling better now Northerner.
Mumpat that's a pretty good number after pizza! I'd say well done 🙂
Thank you everyone for you comments yesterday. 3.1 this morning. It must have been all of my dancing to David Essex 🙂
Morning, a 5.2 house special for me - somehow o_O

Wednesday = foot ulcer clinic. I actually feel like the complications are now officially running this asylum, I feel a wreck! Leg in plaster, big bandaged hand from carpal tunnel surgery, index finger jammed at right angles on other hand etc and blood sugar being as good as gold hhmm this diabetes is one heck of a conundrum. Oh well off to meet the wise diabetic patients of the locality 😉😛
Sending lots of good wishes Flower.
I'm hoping that things change in the right direction for you. And soon.
Morning all, a 5.5 for me today.

I'm still catching up with things after a lovely few days away staying with a friend, and I'm pleased to report that my readings stayed pretty good, even after enjoying her hospitality 😉

All the best to you, Flower, hope things go well xx
Morning, a 5.2 house special for me - somehow o_O

Wednesday = foot ulcer clinic. I actually feel like the complications are now officially running this asylum, I feel a wreck! Leg in plaster, big bandaged hand from carpal tunnel surgery, index finger jammed at right angles on other hand etc and blood sugar being as good as gold hhmm this diabetes is one heck of a conundrum. Oh well off to meet the wise diabetic patients of the locality 😉😛
They'll have plenty of advice for you, I'm sure! 😱 😉 Congrats on the HS and I hope today is the day that things start going really well for you {{{HUGS}}}
A 6.2 for me this morning after a full day of appointments yesterday. Unfortunately my cancer is a bit further over the start line than I'd hoped but to be expected in the scheme of things :(

Sorry you're having such a rough time flower but hope to see you bandage free in the near future and hope the carpal tunnel surgery has done the trick.
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Morning, a 5.2 house special for me - somehow o_O

Wednesday = foot ulcer clinic. I actually feel like the complications are now officially running this asylum, I feel a wreck! Leg in plaster, big bandaged hand from carpal tunnel surgery, index finger jammed at right angles on other hand etc and blood sugar being as good as gold hhmm this diabetes is one heck of a conundrum. Oh well off to meet the wise diabetic patients of the locality 😉😛
Flower...poor thing after another...yes...'Betty' is indeed a puzzle...fingers crossed for a real improvement asap...great numbers!
Morning all, a 5.5 for me today.

I'm still catching up with things after a lovely few days away staying with a friend, and I'm pleased to report that my readings stayed pretty good, even after enjoying her hospitality 😉

All the best to you, Flower, hope things go well xx
Great numbers PM...well done especially after your break...I'm in the 7's again...walking the legs off poor Harry...determined to get back to 6's& 5's