Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.🙂 6.9 here.😛

There's a nip in the air and the threat of rain, but the sun keeps sneaking out.😛

Good luck with your week of medical appts, Amigo.

Sorry to hear you're having to constantly fire-fight your BGs, AJ.
Morning. 8.9 for me, really cold here, wet and windy, but car not frozen.
Morning all. 9.3 this morning! 😱 Was a normal 7.1 before bed, and 6.8 at 4am when I happened to be woken by heavy rain ( the sound of it, I mean, we have got a working roof) Hope I'm not sickening for something, though come to think of it I spent yesterday feeling hot and sweaty on and off. I feel fine, though.
Morning Hazel!
I got a 8.8. I was hoping to be sub 7.5. No breakfast for me then.
(I feel rougher than the bottom a bird cage these last 5 days. I got a cold of some kind. Walks off grumbling to the walls...)

Happy birthday Mark. Have something naughty on me in the virtual pub. (No bolus even for chocolate cake!!)
Morning all, Hope your day and numbers stable AJ, hope the appointment goes well Amigo and anyone else who has appointments. A 9.7 for me this morning.
Sorry for the lack of posting but I am thoroughly fed up with diabetes despite trying my hardest. 20.3 at 2am. Did the correction recommended by my pump. Fortunately I woke up at 5.30 when it was 3.9. I then did a re-test 15 minutes after glucojuice and it's 3.2.

I feel for you AJ, hope this settles down x
Morning all. 7.3 today
That's good to hear
Thanks @Ljc 🙂 I've always been amazed at how your blood sugar levels can chart the progress of an infection, and can even let you know before you get symptoms. Better than a psychic octopus 😱 :D

Who needs a psychic octopus,
The future to foretell?
A cold Cassandra cephalopod,
When I can do as well?

Who needs a mentalist mollusc,
Who crawls the ocean floor,
To tell us what the future holds,
When my meter tells me more?

For, blessed with diabetes
My predictive powers are strong,
And unlike squid or nautilus,
I’m very rarely wrong!

So when my levels start to climb,
But nothing else seems wrong,
Then be assured that I will be
Quite ill before too long!

Before this foul disease took hold,
I lacked this inbuilt sense,
Consulting eight-limbed oracles
For my fate a few days hence.

But now I plan to make me rich –
My meter holds the key!
And when I get the numbers right,
I’ll win the lottery! :D
Bore da pawb... a straight 10 for me this morning after a 10.1 before bed :(
Morning! 6.1 today. Great to hear you're on the mend @Northerner. Good figure, too.🙂
Morning all 6.1 for me. Today will mainly be refactoring and debugging. Have a good one everybody.
Morning everyone. It's finally stopped raining - hoorah! It's a 6.9 from me today.
Morning...7.1 this morning...disappointing