Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. A real 5.1 today
Glad you're beginning to feel better Northie. A figure I'm much happier with at 6.2 this wet and cold morning.
Bore da pawb... an acceptable 7.5 for me this morning. Howling a gale here today but promising bucketloads of the wet stuff later. Off work today, going shopping to Chester.
Bore da pawb... an acceptable 7.5 for me this morning. Howling a gale here today but promising bucketloads of the wet stuff later. Off work today, going shopping to Chester.
Hope you have a good day. See if you can find a good pub for us on 7th Jan:D
Morning all, 6.6 here after treating an unexpected 2.2 at 2am. Don't know where that came from, was 10.1 at bedtime after a naughty pudding, did a 1 unit correction which should have dropped me by 3 not 8!
Morning all, 10.*cough* for me today, Its a bit grim out there.
Morning all, 6.6 here after treating an unexpected 2.2 at 2am. Don't know where that came from, was 10.1 at bedtime after a naughty pudding, did a 1 unit correction which should have dropped me by 3 not 8!
That's quite a scary drop! 😱 You really wouldn't think 1 unit could do that, would you, it hardy dampens your skin! 😱 Did it need much to treat it?
That's quite a scary drop! 😱 You really wouldn't think 1 unit could do that, would you, it hardy dampens your skin! 😱 Did it need much to treat it?
Half a mars bar ( I don't do jelly babies/ fruit pastilles in the middle of the night in case I fall asleep and choke on them) and I was fine and went back to sleep . Have been running through theories. The best I've come up with so far is that I gave myself 6 units to allow for the pud, which is more than I'd normally use in an evening, and maybe it had a longer action than a smaller dose, so I still had insulin on board when I tested, even though it was 4 hours after, and I'm usually all but done in 3.
Glad you're starting to feel better, btw.
Half a mars bar ( I don't do jelly babies/ fruit pastilles in the middle of the night in case I fall asleep and choke on them) and I was fine and went back to sleep . Have been running through theories. The best I've come up with so far is that I gave myself 6 units to allow for the pud, which is more than I'd normally use in an evening, and maybe it had a longer action than a smaller dose, so I still had insulin on board when I tested, even though it was 4 hours after, and I'm usually all but done in 3.
Glad you're starting to feel better, btw.
The problem is knowing where you are on the insulin action curve when you take that bedtime reading - although a bit on the high side, your mealtime insulin might have been just about to properly kick in, making the correction unnecessary, although why it should take so long is anyone's guess. Perhaps if they made insulin that made you glow different shades of green at the injection site, so you would know how it was being absorbed? 😱 🙂
The problem is knowing where you are on the insulin action curve when you take that bedtime reading - although a bit on the high side, your mealtime insulin might have been just about to properly kick in, making the correction unnecessary, although why it should take so long is anyone's guess. Perhaps if they made insulin that made you glow different shades of green at the injection site, so you would know how it was being absorbed? 😱 🙂
I like that idea, I think you should apply for a R and D grant for it. Though I was a bit alarmed by the suggestion until I got to the second part of the sentence, 'at the injection site'
A 6.3 this rather bleak looking morning. Where did the light go?

The start of another medical appointment week for me including the crucial cancer check tomorrow to see what kind of condition my condition is in...never without its stresses 😳

Have a good week everyone.
A 6.3 this rather bleak looking morning. Where did the light go?

The start of another medical appointment week for me including the crucial cancer check tomorrow to see what kind of condition my condition is in...never without its stresses 😳

Have a good week everyone.
I hope it's only good news for you.
A 6.3 this rather bleak looking morning. Where did the light go?

The start of another medical appointment week for me including the crucial cancer check tomorrow to see what kind of condition my condition is in...never without its stresses 😳

Have a good week everyone.
I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow @Amigo {{{HUGS}}}
Hope tomorrow brings good results for you Amigo. 🙂
A 6.3 this rather bleak looking morning. Where did the light go?

The start of another medical appointment week for me including the crucial cancer check tomorrow to see what kind of condition my condition is in...never without its stresses 😳

Have a good week everyone.
Hope it goes well
shame you had a bad night Carol...hopefully a better day today...I'm stuck on my numbers at the moment...might join you and clean out the kitchen cupboards...lord knows they could do with it.
It was shame on me bubbsie. I had too good a night. Out for a meal.cupboards were not too bad