Group 7-day waking average?

Oh you poor bugger, Northie.:( Hope you get well soon.
Like my brains are leaking out of my nose 😱 I've heard of 'lip balm', but is there any such thing as 'nostril balm'? By doze is sore! 😱 :(
Beat me to it, Amigo, I was going to say Vaseline. I also find those Kleenex tissues that are called Balsam or something really help, they're kinder on the old schnozzle. Hope you feel better soon, Northie.
Frank Hovis uses a Chapstick... ask Marsattackstootsie...Oh no, he uses it for something else.:D
Morning...peeing down here...6.9 today...could do better...but not so disappeared after a hard days work yesterday...and the A1 (M) on the way home.
Dobré ráno moje nejcennější diabetické smashing pumpkins. I report in this morning with a 4.7mmols.

When I wake up in the morning love and the sunlight hurts my eyes. A little bit of Bill Withers for you all because I want you to have a lovely day🙂
Morning all. I forgot to test when I woke up a couple of hours ago , so pre brekky is 6.2
@Northerner I hope you start to feel better soon.
Good morning all 🙂 and I'm with you on 6.2 Ljc
Hope you're feeling better soon Northerner and your nose not so sore.
Awful and inexplicable 7.9 for me, and I was doing so well:(. Went to bed on 7.1, stayed around 5.5 to 6 all night then started to rise at about 6am for some reason
Hope you're feeling better soon Alan.
Freezing here, ice on outside of windows. 9.0 for me but better than last night double figures. Going to get out of my cosy bed, clean out kitchen cupboards and pick myself up n start all over again