Group 7-day waking average?

Morning. A 5.7 for me (and 5.1 from libre).
Hope all goes well for you today flower.
Morning all, a slightly better 8.8 for me today.
Good luck today Flower and hope you feel better soon Northerner.
Feeling a tad groggy at 4.3 on rising this morning
I can join GG on the 5.7. Fingers crossed for Flower - it's only a short operation, and brings so much relief.

And Northerner, look after yourself. Shame there's nobody around to watch your episode of man flu, but you can't have everything, and it's a shame you'll miss Leeds. At least you have KB on radio 6 tomorrow to keep you warm inside🙂
Morning all, I'll join you with an early 6.6 Bubbsie 🙂 Off to hospital soon for carpal tunnel surgery later this morning, I hope it helps as my arms and hands are agony right now :(

Wishing you a trouble free surgery flower. I've had this done and it worked wonders! Best wishes x
I hope everything goes well for you @Flower {{{HUGS}}}

Another higher than usual level of 7.3 for me this morning, but less surprising than yesterday, given that I also feel horrible :( Started to feel progressively worse as the day progressed yesterday and struggled with levels despite extra insulin. First full-blown man flu of the season :(

Had a feeling you were coming down with something after an uncharacteristic high number yesterday northie. Keep warm, plenty of fluids and feel well soon.
Only do a morning test every few days as I rotate testing around different meals. Average since February, pre- breakfast ( about 90 mins after waking) = 8.1 , lowest was 6.9.
Morning...yuk ...another unplanned early start at 04:30...6.3 this morning...on duty all day...hope I manage to stay awake!
@Northerner , I hope you start to feel better soon
Good morning all. 5.6 today 🙂.

For everyone who's meeting up today, have a safe journey and don't do anything I wouldn't do :D
Guten Morgen meine goldene Yorkshire Puddings. Today I check in with blood sugars of 3.6mmols

As I walk this land of broken dreams. I have visions of many a thing but happiness is just an illusion filled with sadness and confusion. None other than soul legend Jimmy Ruffin for you this morning. May none of you ever become broken hearted 🙂