Group 7-day waking average?

I've got a 6.6, which considering it was 2.3 at 6.30, is a fairly accurate bit of jelly babying. Just drinking a double shot cappuccino to disperse the brain fog. Quick vape to get the nicotine levels up, and that's me sorted🙂
My consultant said I was lucky not to gain weight on gliclazide.
My GP gave me Xenical years ago and it made not the slightest bit of difference. The only time medical intervention has helped me lose weight (apart from whipping bits out of my insides) was when I've been in hospital for several days and been on Dextrose/Saline drips. Was quite happy with that method of losing weight 😛
Morning...wide awake since 04:00...6.6 today.
Morning all, I'll join you with an early 6.6 Bubbsie 🙂 Off to hospital soon for carpal tunnel surgery later this morning, I hope it helps as my arms and hands are agony right now :(
Hi Flower...welcome to join me any time...hope the surgery goes well...and relieves your awful pain...I have no idea how you cope with that and the diabetes keep us updated...will be thinking of you today and I'm sure all the other members of the '7day' wake up group will be too ...fingers crossed for positive results...take care.
Morning all, I'll join you with an early 6.6 Bubbsie 🙂 Off to hospital soon for carpal tunnel surgery later this morning, I hope it helps as my arms and hands are agony right now :(
{{{{{{hugs}}}}}} wishing you a speedy recovery.
God morgen mine søte små diabetikere grapefrukt. A flat 4.0mmols for me this thank Crunchie it's Friday morning.

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing doo wah doo wah doo wah doo wah doo wah doo wah doo. None other than Duke Ellington for you because you all mean great things 🙂
Good morning everyone. 8.2 :( this morning
Morning all, I'll join you with an early 6.6 Bubbsie 🙂 Off to hospital soon for carpal tunnel surgery later this morning, I hope it helps as my arms and hands are agony right now :(

I hope all goes very well for you today young lady. More than anything I hope the pain goes away :(
Morning all, I'll join you with an early 6.6 Bubbsie 🙂 Off to hospital soon for carpal tunnel surgery later this morning, I hope it helps as my arms and hands are agony right now :(
I hope everything goes well for you @Flower {{{HUGS}}}

Another higher than usual level of 7.3 for me this morning, but less surprising than yesterday, given that I also feel horrible :( Started to feel progressively worse as the day progressed yesterday and struggled with levels despite extra insulin. First full-blown man flu of the season :(
Bora da pawb... I ate my meal late last night so I'm not surprised at a waking 13.3. Diabetic review this afternoon.

Flower, I hope all goes well for you and wish you a speedy recovery. I shall keep my chins up on your behalf :D
Morning all. Feeling grim but a respectable 6.2. Never mind it's Friday and chicken caesar salad for lunch
@Flower good luck.
Good morning everyone,
Good luck Flower, and quick recovery
As others say as well, thank crunchie it's Friday
8.3 for me today.
I hope everything goes well for you @Flower {{{HUGS}}}

Another higher than usual level of 7.3 for me this morning, but less surprising than yesterday, given that I also feel horrible :( Started to feel progressively worse as the day progressed yesterday and struggled with levels despite extra insulin. First full-blown man flu of the season :(
Cuddle in Alan, and lots of hot drinks. Hope you feel better soon
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.9 today.
Best of luck for today Flower and I hope you feel a dramatic improvement soon.
Northerner I hope you feel better soon as well. Pesky man flu! 😱
Morning all. 6.1 today. Hope the op goes well, Flower. Hope you start to feel better soon, Northie.
Morning all, 5.8 here.
Hope all goes well today, Flower.
Get well soon, Northie
Glad the Offsted went well, Peapod, bet you it was the stress of that sending your levels skywards!