Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning peeps.🙂 A rather not unexpected 6.5 today after last nights home made curry with chipattis & poppadoms. I've worked out now that carbs aren't affecting too much after dinner but it hits me in the morning. Off to Stanstead later to drop mum in law off as she is off to Spain for a couple of weeks.
Freezing here, ice on outside of windows. 9.0 for me but better than last night double figures. Going to get out of my cosy bed, clean out kitchen cupboards and pick myself up n start all over again

I did the kitchen cupboards the other day Carol. I had enough spare pots for a soup kitchen! It's such a good feeling getting de-cluttered and the exercise is good for the levels! Only the rest of the house to do now 🙄

Oh a clickety click 6.6 for me
Freezing here, ice on outside of windows. 9.0 for me but better than last night double figures. Going to get out of my cosy bed, clean out kitchen cupboards and pick myself up n start all over again
shame you had a bad night Carol...hopefully a better day today...I'm stuck on my numbers at the moment...might join you and clean out the kitchen cupboards...lord knows they could do with it.
Like my brains are leaking out of my nose 😱 I've heard of 'lip balm', but is there any such thing as 'nostril balm'? By doze is sore! 😱 :(
Blimey sounds grim Northerener...may have to drag my nurses outfit out of the back of the cupboard...and get down there...that must be an incentive to get better speedily!
Morning all, it's a bit breezy out there this morning. 9.8 for me today. Slept in until 9.00, very unlike me.
Like my brains are leaking out of my nose 😱 I've heard of 'lip balm', but is there any such thing as 'nostril balm'? By doze is sore! 😱 :(
Blimey sounds grim Northerener...may have to drag my nurses outfit out of the back of the cupboard...and get down there...that must be an incentive to get better speedily!
Prynhawn da pawb...a 9.5 after a late start for me. Lovely sunny but cold day here. I'll be cutting logs later so I'll expect my numbers will be right down by tea time (roast Chicken and Strictly) 😉
Prynhawn da pawb...a 9.5 after a late start for me. Lovely sunny but cold day here. I'll be cutting logs later so I'll expect my numbers will be right down by tea time (roast Chicken and Strictly) 😉
If the Ballsy man doesn't go tonight then the world really has gone mad in 2016😱
Good morning 🙂 Feeling a bit better, and a 6.8 for me today 🙂 Had a couple of waking 8s over the weekend :( My problem there is that I don't take any basal - during the day I can add extra novorapid with my meals as a 'correction', but overnight I'm left to the will of my pancreas, so slightly elevated levels. I'm not about to start taking lantus again though, just because of a cold, I wouldn't know where to start.
Morning...good to hear you are feeling better Northerner...6.1 for me this morning.
Buongiorno il mio mio molto salutare patate diabetici e goujons pasticceria. A rinkydinky 3.8mmols for me this morning.

Love is in the air every everywhere I look I look around. Love is in the air every sight and every sound. John Paul Young for you this morning because I want you all to have love in your air this morning 🙂
Morning all.🙂 Sailing close to the (very strong) wind this morning with 4.1.:confused:🙂

A busy week ahead! Hope it's not raining where you are.😛