Group 7-day waking average?

Gah! So much for Maltesers being light! 🙄 Try one of those treble-wave-multi-bolus-magic-wizard-tricks on your pump next time (think that's what they are called 😉) {{{HUGS}}}

Good call - not used some of the tricks on my pump yet - guess now is a good time to test them out! (I plan to consume my body weight in chocolate this week - then I guess start running it off again next!). Hug much appreciated x
Hello everyone's me again
I'm feeling very peckish at the moment (despite porridge oats mixed with some all bran and cold milk for brekkie - but that was at 06:15)
Urgent Replies for this one please ...before I eat my keyboard
would I be better off with...
A) a small Apple
B) some sausages from the works Canteen, or
C) a bacon bap from the works Canteen
Lunch (Bacon Omelette & can of diet fizz) is 2½ hours away.
Good morning all 🙂 Woken up by a Vodaphone call. Not had enough sleep after a night shift and grumpy! Once I wake up my mind starts whirling and that's it. Had to keep phone on as awaiting a more important call which obviously hasn't happened yet!
Anyway 6.3 so pleased with that 🙂
Hello everyone's me again
I'm feeling very peckish at the moment (despite porridge oats mixed with some all bran and cold milk for brekkie - but that was at 06:15)
Urgent Replies for this one please ...before I eat my keyboard
would I be better off with...
A) a small Apple
B) some sausages from the works Canteen, or
C) a bacon bap from the works Canteen
Lunch (Bacon Omelette & can of diet fizz) is 2½ hours away.
Hi, if your BGs are ok I'd wait till lunchtime, perhaps Have a drink .mind you I'd have to opt for the sausages to assuage my hunger till lunch.
Hello everyone's me again
I'm feeling very peckish at the moment (despite porridge oats mixed with some all bran and cold milk for brekkie - but that was at 06:15)
Urgent Replies for this one please ...before I eat my keyboard
would I be better off with...
A) a small Apple
B) some sausages from the works Canteen, or
C) a bacon bap from the works Canteen
Lunch (Bacon Omelette & can of diet fizz) is 2½ hours away.
The keyboard is carb free!
Good morning everyone. 4.8 today 🙂
Bore da pawb... it's 8.2 here this morning (only wish that was the temperature!) It's f-f-freezing!!
Morning. Back to normality today with a 6.4 🙂
4.2 this morning
Morning...freezing...6.9 this morning...can't seem to warm up.
Morning all. 5.1 here. First act of the day, realise it's a bit parky and Central heating hasn't come on, go downstairs and top up the system. Second act, retreat back to bed with a cup of tea until the house warms up. At least it was a simple solution and nothing terminal, on the coldest morning of the year so far.
Morning all, its a tad chilly out there this morning. A 10.3 for me today.
Good morning all 🙂
Pleased with 6.3 despite a meal out last night and a bit of a sore throat this morning!
Good morning all 🙂
Pleased with 6.3 despite a meal out last night and a bit of a sore throat this morning!
Good numbers Linda...shame about the sore throat...hope it's just one of those day things🙂
Thanks bubbsie. Sure it will disappear after a few coffees. I don't generally get sore throats and colds 🙂