Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A better 9.6 for me today.
Morning. 6.6 for me as well. Room on the sofa Bubbsie?
Morning all. A 6.7 for me and the Libre agrees. @Northerner mine was 4.9 before bed then rose in the early hours and stayed level all night.
Very early! 😱 An unusual 7.0 for me today :confused: I was 4.8 before bed, so not sure why.
I hope it a one off and not that you're going down with something again.
Good morning all 🙂 A 6.9 today following a naughty family tea last night. Tescos choc fudge cake on half price offer was too tempting to resist. Usually I do without dessert but sometimes I just can't help myself.
But the good news is im over it now :D
Morning all, 6.1 here, already started the dawn rise, according to the Libre trace. Mmm, Chocolate fudge cake *drools*
Good morning 🙂 a walloping great big 11.9 this morning, I must have been over enthusiastic with the hypo treatment last night plus I did pinch a Christmas shortbread just to make sure my levels stayed up through the night.... they surely did 🙄
A 6.4 for me after a sleep in.

Have had some steady levels since I got the eye infection under control and my 14 day average is 6.9. Not bad as I test after even naughty meals and am not on meds. Let's hope Christmas doesn't throw me off track 😳
A late start for me - 5.5

Not too shabby as I dropped Lantus by a couple of units for the 2nd time this week
A late start for me - 5.5

Not too shabby as I dropped Lantus by a couple of units for the 2nd time this week
That's a great number
4.8 for me, folks, so my hypo correction is spot on. Had a touch of the squits in the night, dunno why. Imperfect body, I suppose - hard to believe, I know🙂
I hope it a one off and not that you're going down with something again.
Doesn't look like it - went out for a run and felt fine, and got back to a 4.0, so jelly babies and biscuits were required! 🙂
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A bit late but a 7.1 for me although half hour later I dropped to 6.0 so happy days 🙂
Good morning everyone. 6.4 today.