Group 7-day waking average?

Buona mattina il mio delizioso raggi di sole diabetici. After a much welcome extended period of shut eye my waking blood glucose is 3.8mmols.

When the moon meets your eye like a big pizza pie that's amore. Dean Martin croons to you all this morning because my L'Oréal diabetics you are worth it 🙂
Morning...6.2 today...
Nice numbers Bubbsie 🙂

Bore da pawb... a pleasing 7.6 for me this morning :D
Morning all. After an unexplained 3.6 Before bed , I'm 7.6 this morning.
I don't know what is going on with my BG levels but it is very tiring. Three corrections by pen since Thursday because levels have been so unexpectedly high but also three hypos ar different times but not linked to the corrections. Three hypos in three days is a lot for me, Yesterday I ate lunch and the only other thing that I ate was three mini cheddars which I bolused for. Woke up at 2.30 with an 18.3 which I corrected. At 6.20 it was still 14.5. Absolutely no pattern. Apologies for the rant but very frustrated.
Happy Birthday fellow forum peeps. 7.1 for me this wet morning, but it does occur to me that my 'waking reading is actually always 15-20 mins after I get up and have seen to the dogs. DOH! I'll see what my true waking readings are from tomorrow!
Morning! A 5.9 for me today.🙂
I don't know what is going on with my BG levels but it is very tiring. Three corrections by pen since Thursday because levels have been so unexpectedly high but also three hypos ar different times but not linked to the corrections. Three hypos in three days is a lot for me, Yesterday I ate lunch and the only other thing that I ate was three mini cheddars which I bolused for. Woke up at 2.30 with an 18.3 which I corrected. At 6.20 it was still 14.5. Absolutely no pattern. Apologies for the rant but very frustrated.
I'm frustrated for you, AJ. I hope things level off for you as the day goes on.🙂

Morning all.🙂 12.3 here.:confused: As Toyah Wilcox used to sing: "It's a mysterwee, it's a mysterwee...😱...I'm still searching for a clue" 8 and a half years in! Ho hum...

Looking forward to seeing tonite's super moon - eyes skyward from 3pm onwards ev1. Don't want to miss it!😛
Morning all, im joining AJ and Bloden with the high numbers, an annoying 11.2 for me today.
Good morning all 🙂 and well done on those beautiful low numbers.
Afraid I ate sons birthday cake yesterday and a few other treats. Despite 2 long walks I got 7.4 this morning 😱