Group 7-day waking average?

Lol I'm having fun after yesterday morning's hypo I decided to be conservative with my Bolus last night and ended up this morning at 15.1.
Morning...OUCH...before bed 9.4...relieved this morning at 7.1...
Morning everyone. Hope those who attended enjoyed themselves yesterday and didn't get up to too much mischief 🙂. It's a 6.4 for me today.
Morning all. 5.2 before evening meal and only 60% approx of bolus. 5.8 before bed without the remainder and 6.5 this morning
Morning all, despite going to bed at a nice 7.8 woke up with a 10.1.
Morning all, a nice sunny 5.8 here. I don't know why it felt the need to rain ALL day yesterday.
Joining you on the 5.8 step this morning @Robin 🙂 Woke up at 5 this morning, decided to have an extra half hour, then woke up again three hours later! 😱 Must have needed it! 🙂
Good morning! A not too shabby 5.7. Last night had a Lamb Rogan Josh with 3 poppadoms & a chipatti followed by a slice of Belgian chocolate cheesecake. 5.0 before & 7.6 after, so not bad at all.:D
Good morning! A not too shabby 5.7. Last night had a Lamb Rogan Josh with 3 poppadoms & a chipatti followed by a slice of Belgian chocolate cheesecake. 5.0 before & 7.6 after, so not bad at all.:D
Serious question @Mark Parrott , how do you eat that and only go to 7.6? I'd be up near the 20's.o_O
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Morning all from soggy Spain.🙂 An annoying 9.5 here after a nasty little hypo at 3am and a very nice lie-in.🙂Been on the exercise bike and down in range again now...a quiet Sunday looms.😛

Serious question Mark, how do you eat that and only go to 7.6? I'd be up near the 20's.o_O
I wish I knew.:confused: Straight after I had my excellent HbA1c result, I celebrated with fish & chips followed by apple strudel & shot up to 10.2! Now, just a few weeks later, I'm able to handle more carbs with little effect on my BG. Is it possible that I have managed to lose the fat around my pancreas & improved it's performance? I'm still being careful.
Bore da pawb... a 10.2 for me this morning. Off to Remembrance Day Parade with the Scouts a bit later, at least it's dry.
Buongiorno mia bella roseo guance bambini diabetici. My waking (which was about 10 minutes ago) blood sugar was 1.8mmols after taking a stupid amount of insulin this morning and no food as my blood sugars at 6.00am this morning were stratospheric after being forced fed Aftershock ( very sweet) vodka Red Bull and Cheeky Vimto all night. My carers should have left me alone on single malt but I just cannot get them to see things my way.

You've got to know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Kenny Rogers for you this morning my little possums because I want to hold you all 🙂

Goodnight all its back to bed for poor old DL