Group 7-day waking average?

Hi Blod ...hugs are all well and good, but you can't beat a good old fashioned Welsh {{{{cwtch}}}} for making you feel better
Aw, diolch yn fawr! Feeling fendigedig nawr.😛
Morning everyone. Woke up this morning to the hesitant makings of a sunny day with a miserable 2.8. Jelly babies for brekkie. :(
Morning everyone. Woke up this morning to the hesitant makings of a sunny day with a miserable 2.8. Jelly babies for brekkie. :(
Ack! Hope the JBs do the trick and you have smooth levels through the day and no hypo headache 🙂
Just ordered my Libre as I'm fed up with being all over the place in the morning and during some days with no reason as far as I can tell. Today is a prime example so far: waking was 7.7 with a bad headache and still feeling very tired again (had gone to bed on 5.4), 2 hours later it was 12.1 (had eaten nothing and just had a cup of tea as per normal), 1 hour after this 7.6 so I had a banana and a satsuma and 2 units bolus (on 1:10 ratio and don't have a 1/2 unit pen), 3 hours after this and a nap was back up to 11.2. Bananas and satsumas don't normally give me a big spike, and even so after 3 hours I should be back down. 😡
Once I can see what is going on between my finger prick readings, maybe it will give me some idea what on earth is happening, unless anyone has any ideas?. I see my DSN in 2 weeks so hopefully I can show her the readings.:(:confused:
Sending more hugs, @Bloden

@Greyhound Gal - my readings are all over the place at the moment too (up to 15 mid-morning, down to 3 by lunchtime), and I've tried everything except for changing to a different basal, which I'm intending to do in a few days' time. Lantus really isn't working for me, and I'm not the only person to have had problems with it - could it be that for you too? What dose are you on? It seems to be OK for people who need a lot of it but very unreliable in smaller doses.

Oh, I was 8.9 this morning, but I was hungry last night, probably didn't bolus quite enough for my bedtime snack 😳
Thanks Juliet. I'm on 10u Lantus at bedtime. Only been on MDI for 2 weeks but my morning readings have been anywhere between 5.5 and 7.8, which I know aren't terrible but there is no consistency and no correlation to bedtime reading.Some days I can be pretty level and others all over the place like today, even when I eat very similar or the same for breakfast and lunch. It's the inconsistency and lack of reasoning that I'm finding sooo frustrating - but then that is D all over I guess :confused:🙄
Morning all.🙂 Any spare hugs going? :( Woke up to a massive 15.0 - ok, so I had my flu jab yesterday, but it comes at the end of a week where my BGs have been sky-high (in the 16s) all afternoon and evening.

VERY fed up.:(

A bundle of hugs and a large helping of anti-fed up vibes posted to you Bloden 🙂 I hope your bg gets the right message and starts to behave itself asap. 🙂
A bundle of hugs and a large helping of anti-fed up vibes posted to you Bloden 🙂 I hope your bg gets the right message and starts to behave itself asap. 🙂
Thanks, Flower.🙂 I think your bossy to BG vibes are getting thru...:D
Thanks Juliet. I'm on 10u Lantus at bedtime. Only been on MDI for 2 weeks but my morning readings have been anywhere between 5.5 and 7.8, which I know aren't terrible but there is no consistency and no correlation to bedtime reading.Some days I can be pretty level and others all over the place like today, even when I eat very similar or the same for breakfast and lunch. It's the inconsistency and lack of reasoning that I'm finding sooo frustrating - but then that is D all over I guess :confused:🙄

I wouldn't worry too much about morning readings being between 5.5 and 7.8, as you say those are not terrible, in fact they're pretty good (though I understand the frustration when there is no correlation to bedtime reading - I get that too, it's only occasionally I can say, like I did today, that I know what caused the morning reading being higher or lower than usual). I'd be more concerned about going from 7ish to 12ish and then back to 7ish for no apparent reason - that was what sounded like Lantus to me because that's what it seems to do to me. Its pattern is supposed to be smooth but actually for me it's very bumpy. But it's early days for you, and you are on a higher dose of Lantus than I am (I'm on 5 units), so you may find you are able to iron the bumps out with a bit of experimenting with injection times/mealtimes etc. At least you are not getting up in the middle of the night every night to eat a jam sandwich, which is what I did during my first week on MDI - they put me on 16 units of Lantus when I needed 6
G'day all

BG 3.3 this morning.
Up from 0215 this morning with cramp and pain in toe. The toe is infected, is extremely painful and I am waiting for nail surgery hopefully next week. The toenail on the big toe has split, due to chemotherapy, and has embedded itself into the side of the toe. It keeps me awake at times and the pain medication takes a long time before it helps.
G'day all

BG 3.3 this morning.
Up from 0215 this morning with cramp and pain in toe. The toe is infected, is extremely painful and I am waiting for nail surgery hopefully next week. The toenail on the big toe has split, due to chemotherapy, and has embedded itself into the side of the toe. It keeps me awake at times and the pain medication takes a long time before it helps.
Good morning everyone . I'm happy to say that after 3.1 😡 last night I'm feeling grand at 6.8 this morning.
Buenos días mis maravillosamente bizcochos horneados diabéticos. On this beautiful autumn Saturday morning my waking blood sugar is 4.1mmols.

Tell me when will you be mine? Tell me quando, quando quando? A classic line from none other than the Cuban heeled Englebert Humperdink for you today because I want you all to be mine 🙂
G'day all

BG 3.3 this morning.
Up from 0215 this morning with cramp and pain in toe. The toe is infected, is extremely painful and I am waiting for nail surgery hopefully next week. The toenail on the big toe has split, due to chemotherapy, and has embedded itself into the side of the toe. It keeps me awake at times and the pain medication takes a long time before it helps.
Ow, sorry to hear this Sylvia! :( I hope you get the surgery next week and that everything goes well 🙂

6.3 for me this rainy day 🙂