Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...very early start for me...6.1 this morning...lowest BG since I met 'Betty'...who knows...those 5's seem to be getting closer?
Hahaha. Dire Betty - great name for our annoying condition!😉

Morning all.🙂 A house spesh for me on (according to the news - so out of touch!) World Dire Betty Day.🙄
What's ev1 got planned to mark the occasion...apart from dodging the raindrops? :confused:🙂
Morning all, 5.7 for me too, Owen. Congrats on the HS Bloden. Now, what have I got planned for today? *looks outside* Ah yes, hibernation.
I woke up again at 07 40 a much more reasonable hour :D 6.8.
Along with a headache and feeling as if I've had no sleep is a 6.1.
with the exception of the 6.1 ( I wish) ...that's normal for me :(
Maybe you need to sleep for a day as well as a night? I know I need to drink more water, that helps ease my headaches ...looked like I was peeing tea this morning! 😱
Morning all, 10.*cough* (hides from Kooky) for me today.
Good morning! A 6.2 this morning. Maybe caused by a bit of a sore throat. Out for my birthday dinner tonight & I've decided on the T-bone as I've never had one.🙂
Good morning! A 6.2 this morning. Maybe caused by a bit of a sore throat. Out for my birthday dinner tonight & I've decided on the T-bone as I've never had one.🙂

Your birthday today young man? I can think of no better way to celebrate it than with T bone. Actually yes I can, you could invite me along and we could all have T bone. A very, very happy birthday to you. May you get all you wish for. Have a fantastic day 🙂
Ah...T Bone excellent music producer who has worked with Elton John, Elvis Costello, Tony Bennett, Robert Plant and Los Lobos to name but a few.

Mark ...don't eat the bone! Happy birthday
Your birthday today young man? I can think of no better way to celebrate it than with T bone. Actually yes I can, you could invite me along and we could all have T bone. A very, very happy birthday to you. May you get all you wish for. Have a fantastic day 🙂
Thanks, DL. Actually, my birthday is on Saturday, but as I always go over Bruvs on a Thursday, decided to go out then.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.6 after a bad night. Just couldn't sleep and knowing I'm going overnight tonight prob made it worse!
Well done on HS Bloden and your excellent 6.1 Bubbsie 🙂
I'm a clickety click 6.6 too Linda. Well done to the low hitters and enjoy your pre-birthday dinosaur steak Mark. Only seems like yesterday you had a birthday. Have you started having them every year? I'm down to 1 in 3 now :D
Hahaha. Dire Betty - great name for our annoying condition!😉

Morning all.🙂 A house spesh for me on (according to the news - so out of touch!) World Dire Betty Day.🙄
What's ev1 got planned to mark the occasion...apart from dodging the raindrops? :confused:🙂
Am loving the "Dire Betty" ! :D
I'm a clickety click 6.6 too Linda. Well done to the low hitters and enjoy your pre-birthday dinosaur steak Mark. Only seems like yesterday you had a birthday. Have you started having them every year? I'm down to 1 in 3 now :D
Lol. This is actually my first birthday since diagnosis.🙂
Good morning! A 6.2 this morning. Maybe caused by a bit of a sore throat. Out for my birthday dinner tonight & I've decided on the T-bone as I've never had one.🙂
I think You'll really enjoy your T bone Mark .
Morning...wide away at 4am...yuk...6.2 this morning...
3.4 this morning. Light meal last evening always makes a big difference in my BG's. Trying to eat low carb meals except if we eat out then it's " anything goes" . Not good but the eating out treats are few and far between. Can correct easily with a pump. Syl