Group 7-day waking average?

Here we go again, another low 3.8 - I dropped Lantus again last night too.

Might need to resort to a carb supper at bedtime.

Right, porridge and hot milk it is then
It's quite remarkable how quickly your need for lantus is declining @Hazel! Good news! 🙂 Hope your levels stabilise soon though, and that you have a good day 🙂
It's quite remarkable how quickly your need for lantus is declining @Hazel! Good news! 🙂 Hope your levels stabilise soon though, and that you have a good day 🙂

Thanks Alan - could it be the cold weather?
It is freezing with a fair fall of snow too
Morning...a 6.2 for me this morning...although not absolutely sure I am fully awake yet...seem to be having a Trump really in the lead?
Morning...a 6.2 for me this morning...although not absolutely sure I fully awake yet...seem to be having a Trump really in the lead?

Sadly yes
Bom dia meus garrafas diabéticos de efervescente pop. A result for me of 3.9mmols this morning when I am finding some degree of difficulty being upbeat given the rather dangerous and chaotic turn the world is currently taking.

If I knew you were coming I'd have baked a cake, baked a cake baked a cake. A little Eileen Barton for you all this morning. Your cakes however would be carb lite. Have a fine day today my little munchkins 🙂
Morning all on this possibly disaterous morning for the world. At least it's a 5.5 for me today.
Morning All 5.8 today.
Morning all on this possibly disaterous morning for the world. At least it's a 5.5 for me today.
Good numbers Mark...wish I could say the same for Hilary... in disbelief!
Bore da pawb... a welcome 7.4 for me this morning and Yes, I have remembered to take my meds. Don't plan on repeating that mistake in a hurry.

Is America nuts?
Nutty as a fruit cake
7.6 for me. DSN says I can have a libre (although I need to buy my own sensors) as waking reading all over the place for no apparent reason. We'll see what mischief D is up to overnight.
What the %#~¥ is America thinking😱:confused:😱
Here we go again, another low 3.8 - I dropped Lantus again last night too.

Snap! A 3.8 here too. My Lantus is on the way up tho.🙄 Glad to hear it's working for you, Hazel.🙂

This week's swift drop in temperature (10 degrees in two days) has sent my BGs into a tail spin! Been high as a kite for 3 days.:confused: Hopefully, back to normal today...o_O...fleurghblblbgnn.