Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 5.8 today (5.1 yesterday). I'm sure I'm getting a slight bug - a bit sore throaty, nose a bit bunged up....and everyone around me seems to be getting it :(
Good news Bad news
Prescription sorted ...
Waking levels 9.2 ...bowl of porridge oats and all bran for breakfast ...3½ hours later BGs at 16.9 😱😱
Not that I'm an expert Jonsi...but that doesn't good...bit clueless about what to say...just hope you manage the day okay...and get back home and sort out those BG's soon...take care.
Good news Bad news
Prescription sorted ...
Waking levels 9.2 ...bowl of porridge oats and all bran for breakfast ...3½ hours later BGs at 16.9 😱😱
Oh heck. 16.9 I hope you dont feel too rough
Oh heck. 16.9 I hope you dont feel too rough
I'm starting to yawn a lot and the words on the screen are starting to jig about ...apart from that and the twitchy fingers, I feel fine.
It's 29 hours since I last had my Humulin (34u) so that's all gone and 17 hours since my Metformin and Glic. Trouble is, it's a 30 mile round trip to go home and get the stuff.
I'm starting to yawn a lot and the words on the screen are starting to jig about ...apart from that and the twitchy fingers, I feel fine.
It's 29 hours since I last had my Humulin (34u) so that's all gone and 17 hours since my Metformin and Glic. Trouble is, it's a 30 mile round trip to go home and get the stuff.
Go home, stay at home, your health is important. This is a genuine medical need. Do it Now my Gog Friend.
Jonsi I think Owen is absolutely right in his suggestion. If you don't 'right' it now it may be even harder to fix once you eventually get home. 30 miles or not you can't carry on with those kind of glucose levels.
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Jonsi. I agree with Owen and DL. If you don't get yourself home soon your going to get worse and feel absolutely awful.
So please take their good sound advice .
I am home, I've injected and chomped on some tablets. I am now very tired and will sleep for a few hours.
I hope you feel loads better after a sleep
I am home, I've injected and chomped on some tablets. I am now very tired and will sleep for a few hours.
I've slept a bit and have woken with a stonking headache, feeling pants but thankfully levels down to 9.4... that'll teach me to forget my meds eh?
I've slept a bit and have woken with a stonking headache, feeling pants but thankfully levels down to 9.4... that'll teach me to forget my meds eh?
You probably won't forget again in a hurry 😱 Hope the headache goes soon 🙂
I've slept a bit and have woken with a stonking headache, feeling pants but thankfully levels down to 9.4... that'll teach me to forget my meds eh?
Hope that stonking headache has gone now. You won't be doing that again anytime soon, but as We all know only too well there are plenty of other things we can get up to
I hope the headache's gone, Jonsi.

I've had a bit of a disastrous day blood-sugar wise too, though not as bad as yours. I had pasta followed by rhubarb crumble last night, not two things I'd usually have in the same meal, but I've done it before with no problems, I just have to split my larger than usual insulin dose because I'm a slow eater. Got the timing wrong and had a hypo mid-evening, so having treated that I then went to bed 11.4 - with a correction dose so thought I'd be fine.

This morning I was 12.7 😱😱😱 I think that's my highest morning reading since I was diagnosed. I've been high all day, two 7.somethings and another 12.something so far. Oops 😳
Here we go again, another low 3.8 - I dropped Lantus again last night too.

Might need to resort to a carb supper at bedtime.

Right, porridge and hot milk it is then