Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...despite sleeping so badly last night...6.7 for me...might just go back to bed...feeling rough.
Good morning all 🙂 and a naughty 6.9 this morning after succumbing to a macflurry last night. I blame it on tiredness!
Anyway a good long sleep gives me no excuse to continue such naughtiness!
Looking forward to London 🙂
I wouldn't worry too much about morning readings being between 5.5 and 7.8, as you say those are not terrible, in fact they're pretty good (though I understand the frustration when there is no correlation to bedtime reading - I get that too, it's only occasionally I can say, like I did today, that I know what caused the morning reading being higher or lower than usual). I'd be more concerned about going from 7ish to 12ish and then back to 7ish for no apparent reason - that was what sounded like Lantus to me because that's what it seems to do to me. Its pattern is supposed to be smooth but actually for me it's very bumpy. But it's early days for you, and you are on a higher dose of Lantus than I am (I'm on 5 units), so you may find you are able to iron the bumps out with a bit of experimenting with injection times/mealtimes etc. At least you are not getting up in the middle of the night every night to eat a jam sandwich, which is what I did during my first week on MDI - they put me on 16 units of Lantus when I needed 6
Yep, Lantus can be a bumpy ride - I've worked out that my vertiginous BG dip an hour after lunch is, in fact, my Lantus (18 hours after injecting!) not my Apidra. Hey ho...🙄

Morning all.🙂 A beautiful, round, cuddly and squishy 6.0 here, with a straight line all night long.😛 Ah, that's better.😉

Sorry to hear about your painful toe, Sylvia. I hope the op goes well.
Morning all. A slightly better 8.8 for me today.
Ready for another rollercoaster ride today. The starter for 10 is 6.5. Are we going higher or lower?? Good game, good game🙂
Ready for another rollercoaster ride today. The starter for 10 is 6.5. Are we going higher or lower?? Good game, good game🙂[/QUOTE

Showing my age now...tempted to respond...'here kitty kitty'...good number for starters GG.
A 3.4 woke me up in the early hours of the morning.
Good morning everyone.🙂 What better way to start my birthday but with a 5.2 house special.:D
Thank you Ljc. I'm ok now but it did disturb much needed sleep.
Bore da pawb... overnight at an hotel in S-o-T. A pie fuelled 11.4 this morning.
12.7 at 7 this morning. Thought I was running ok but test last week showed 15 mid morning with 8 as HA1bc.Dont know what to do to bring it down diagnosed20 years ago type 2
Plus various other for heart failure.....
Any ideas??
12.7 at 7 this morning. Thought I was running ok but test last week showed 15 mid morning with 8 as HA1bc.Dont know what to do to bring it down diagnosed20 years ago type 2
Plus various other for heart failure.....
Any ideas??
Hi @AndyMac Welcome. Have you got a cold etc as that can raise your BG levels . When I was on tablets I found drinking more water helped lower my levels when they were high
If you come over to the newbies section and introduce yourself more people will read and respond to your posts. tell us what you eat that sort of thing
Good morning everyone. This is a first for me, bedtime and waking 6.1