Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all 🙂 and well done on those beautiful low numbers.
Afraid I ate sons birthday cake yesterday and a few other treats. Despite 2 long walks I got 7.4 this morning 😱
Blimey Linda...I would not mind a 7.4 for a slice of birthday cake...any left?
Blimey Linda...I would not mind a 7.4 for a slice of birthday cake...any left?

I wouldnt mind a 7.4 any time of day!!!
I don't know what is going on with my BG levels but it is very tiring. Three corrections by pen since Thursday because levels have been so unexpectedly high but also three hypos ar different times but not linked to the corrections. Three hypos in three days is a lot for me, Yesterday I ate lunch and the only other thing that I ate was three mini cheddars which I bolused for. Woke up at 2.30 with an 18.3 which I corrected. At 6.20 it was still 14.5. Absolutely no pattern. Apologies for the rant but very frustrated.
Ack! Sorry to hear this Amanda, I hope things settle for you and you have a better night tonight 🙂

Congrats on the House Special @Hazel! 🙂

@Lindarose - hope when you said you ate son's birthday cake you didn't mean the WHOLE cake! 😱 If so, I have no sympathy, if just a slice then it was worth it! 🙂

Forgot to post earlier, 5.8 for me today 🙂
Well, it's a 3.1 for me today, Not ideal, but breakfast has got me up to 6.1. 🙂

When do you get the vitamin D results Mike?
I tell you what - It was a really big cake and I had a really big bit! (No not the whole cake Northerner! 😱) It was Victoria sponge which I love. And I made him take the rest home or it would have been my breakfast thus morning. Plus I had a few other extras so deserve the 7.4. I was hoping to get away with it! 😳
A 6.2 for me. Hope you can stabilise things soon Amanda and I must confess to an Aww :( when I read your post @Stitch147 . I really hope Santa brings you low numbers for next year.
A 6.2 for me. Hope you can stabilise things soon Amanda and I must confess to an Aww :( when I read your post @Stitch147 . I really hope Santa brings you low numbers for next year.
Yes me too Stitch. You really deserve some nice low ones. 🙂
And how to deal with me!
Being diplomatic this morning idea's Monday...full of aches and's raining...but I seem to be in a good mood (so far)...was tempted to say that too though:D:D:D
Being diplomatic this morning idea's Monday...full of aches and's raining...but I seem to be in a good mood (so far)...was tempted to say that too though:D:D:D
Hows the bonce today hun?
Hows the bonce today hun?
Its painful but feeling so much better...just been for walkies...aching but that's okay...think I was quite lucky!...thanks...will give you a shout when next down for Lunch...get MBT there for a threesome?
Its painful but feeling so much better...just been for walkies...aching but that's okay...think I was quite lucky!...thanks...will give you a shout when next down for Lunch...get MBT there for a threesome?
Sounds like a plan.
When do you get the vitamin D results Mike?
My Vitamin D results I've reported elsewhere as being down in my boots, riickets and osteomalacia level. I see the doc on Friday to plan out treatment.
It's just another Scottish condition, plus the pancreatitis.
Morning. Just had a nasty shock, woke up with a 7.8 then when I woke up my iPad to enter it in my log I discovered to my horror it was only 03 15 and That I'd only been in bed for two yes two hours 😡:(😡 . I'll sit up for a while with a nice big mug of restorative coffee ,browse round here for a while and perhaps have a read of The science of Discworld before I hunt for my rubber hammer which someone's pinched again.
Morning. Just had a nasty shock, woke up with a 7.8 then when I woke up my iPad to enter it in my log I discovered to my horror it was only 03 15 and That I'd only been in bed for two yes two hours 😡:(😡 . I'll sit up for a while with a nice big mug of restorative coffee ,browse round here for a while and perhaps have a read of The science of Discworld before I hunt for my rubber hammer which someone's pinched again.
Saw your post as I stumbled to the laptop this morning...enjoy 'Discworld' sounds as if it is just the right thing to get you back to sleep...fingers crossed.
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Morning...early start...on duty all day...yuk...6.3 for me today...those 5's are still eluding me!