Group 7-day waking average?

7.2 here! Woke up unexpectedly at 2 am, tested and was 4.2, so had preemptive hypo snack just in case that's what had woken me, but obv it was just the supermoon. ( I got up and looked at it, seemed quite small to me, but it was incredibly bright)
Good luck everyone with all your appointments. Hope the numbers improve for you AJ.
Another miserable number for me today. 10.1. Just wish I could get my morning numbers down.
Good morning is Tuesday and medical appointments day with a 5.5 to kick off with
good you are looking Owen. The force is strong within.
Appointments to be going OK hope I.

(jeez ...being Yoda, a pain it is)
They're both regular ones, the physio is actually at my old GP practice, awkward.
Sod em' Owen...if they'd treated you'd still be there.
Good morning 🙂 I've only gone and got a splendid 5.2! Off to D clinic today to get the scores on the doors.
And maybe a 'Brucie Bonus'...have I got the right programme?...good luck Flower.
Morning...early start...on duty all day...yuk...6.3 for me today...those 5's are still eluding me!
You're well on your way though 🙂 . How's your head
Good luck everyone who has appointments today.
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
Mine was 7.2
Good morning everyone . Woke at a much more respectable hour today 🙂 a not so respectable 7.1:(
You're well on your way though 🙂 . How's your head
Hi Ljc...only just saw this...head is mending slowly...everyone is hopeful that bump will have knocked some sense into me...doubtful...bit more work to do on my numbers...thanks
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Morning...6.3 for me today...still a work in progress.