Group 7-day waking average?

Morning Amigo's amigos....delighting in a 5.9 this morning 🙂

Off for the blood let later and a b/p check up (latter will go up because of the former!) 🙄
Great numbers Amigo...hope the BP followed suite.
Morning all! A rather unusual 6.5 this morning. I'm wondering if that is connected to our bed collapsing in the night. Didn't wake me up, but found out the centre support beam of the frame has snapped in half!😱 I blame the cats.😛
Bore da pawb... an 8.4 for me this morning. wild and windy night here (nothing to do with Metformin!)
Morning all! A rather unusual 6.5 this morning. I'm wondering if that is connected to our bed collapsing in the night. Didn't wake me up, but found out the centre support beam of the frame has snapped in half!😱 I blame the cats.😛
Good luck everyone with all your appointments. Hope the numbers improve for you AJ.
Another miserable number for me today. 10.1. Just wish I could get my morning numbers down.
Thank you Stitch. I hope that your numbers improve. 14.3 for me this morning.
Thank you Stitch. I hope that your numbers improve. 14.3 for me this morning.
I'm with you, AJ, as high as a kite at 15.2 (rub out the 1 and it's a HS).:confused:
Clear blue skies here with a sharp nip in the air. I'm off Xmas shopping - like to get my parcels sent by end of Nov.🙂😛
Good morning all 🙂 and a slightly better today 7.0 (Sorry Kooky!)
So on my way downstairs I saw a big black thing on carpet. Panicked thinking it was a spider then relief it was a lump of black cat fur. Downstairs saw a round brown lump on floor and got a piece of kitchen roll and disinfectant as thought my cat had had an accident. Was a conker! (Spider deterrent which cat been playing with in the night) . Should have gone to spec savers! 😱
Morning my D family, hope you are all ok on this sunny wednesay morning. A 10.6 for me today.