Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all! 6.4 today. Must be something to do with the two eclairs I had last night, though l was only 6.9 after them.
Bore da pawb... A 7.7 over here 🙂
Morning all. It's a 7.4 for me today.
Good morning 15.3 and I have no idea why.
Morning...7.5 for me...despite having to scoff cough 'sweets' last night...not bad for me.
Good morning. 8.0 for me, really good after being to the eastern buffet last night
Glad you survived Dr. Boots, Bloden, you can now ignore her and carry on as normal.
You know me too well, Robin!🙄

Morning all.🙂 8.3 here. Here we go - it's the autumn BG roller coaster! Anyone fancy joining me on this ride?:confused: No, I thought not!:D
Good morning all 🙂 and 7.2 today.
I blame the desperate battle yesterday to not eat some proper cadburys chocolate and a few other naughtiest. Afraid I lost! :(
Also painful foot means I haven't been able to do extra walking for a couple of days.
Good morning everyone. 7.8 today :(
Morning all, 8.0 here. Got to the stage where I'm thinking I should have put basal up three days ago, but if I do it now, I'll just meet myself coming down again!
Morning all, 9.7 for me today.
A must do better 7.2 this morning. Seems to be a few higher numbers at the moment on the site. Maybe it's a seasonal thing 😉
I think you're right Amigo. The change from lovely warm days to colder weather really does hit some of us hard. You've got same reading as me today. Where are those 6's!
Perhaps we are all laying off the salads and eating more warming foods ie more carbs ? Maybe ? Just a thought , we won't know until next spring when we are all back to salads for more meals . I may be wrong though .
Hi everyone, 4.4 this morning.

Think I need to reduce Lantus, again