Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...7.5 this morning...went mad last night...whole bag of not a bad result for me.
Morning all, 8.9 for me today. Could be an intresting day at work. I'm in front of some of the company directors at 10 oclock to see if they support a rule change that I am trying to get through.
Good luck Stitch
...and what's wrong with Unions? Proper Unions aren't all about bashing the company at any opportunity (can you tell that I was in TSSA for 21 years?) ...probably for another thread

Haha!!! I work for Transport for London and am a TSSA member myself. None of the unions will like the change that I want to make to a 50 year old rule!
Well....... they approved my rule change!

Good for you girl! It wasn't that rule that female diabetics should have every Monday off was it? :D

I'm back on the grid after my jaunt and not surprisingly 7.4 after a very long and much needed sleep in. Levels stayed steady whilst I was there but largely due to enormous amount of walking. However I was aware that I have the burning feet syndrome which isn't good! 😳
Well....... they approved my rule change!
are you going to let us know what it was ? (PM me if you think it would bore others)
Ooo better keep it under your hat for confidentiality reasons Stitch especially as there are other parties to be consulted.
Morning oops, afternoon all. Just catching up after taking the car in for a service, taking daughter to work because of car being in, food shopping and errands on the way back etc. Did pull into a layby overlooking the Evenlode valley to drink my free Waitrose coffee on the way back. Beautiful morning, clear views, Autumn colours, gorgeous!
Was 7.3 this morning after unexplained spikes again yesterday evening. Somethings going on, I feel slightly limp, and I've got a mahussive cold sore, sure sign of immune system having a fit of the vapours. Reaction to flu jab perhaps? (had it 10 days ago, thought it would have done anything it was going to by now.)
Glad you survived Dr. Boots, Bloden, you can now ignore her and carry on as normal.
5.9 this morning
8.2 this morning after 5.0 before bed and a 4.5 at 2am???

That sounds quite normal, Rosie - I think sometimes if your bgl goes a bit low at night your liver thinks "eek" and starts to churn out glucose so you end up with a high morning reading instead of a low one.

Didn't work for me today though - 2.4 this morning 😱 - and I have annual appointment with diabetes consultant this afternoon. Altogether now: "have fewer hypos". Although as I'm going to be trying to get him to prescribe me Tresiba instead of Lantus, and also add a Glucagon injection kit to my prescription, maybe this will help.

Didn't work for me today though - 2.4 this morning 😱 - and I have annual appointment with diabetes consultant this afternoon. Altogether now: "have fewer hypos". Although as I'm going to be trying to get him to prescribe me Tresiba instead of Lantus, and also add a Glucagon injection kit to my prescription, maybe this will help.
Good luck this afternoon, Juliet.
Hope all goes well with your appointment Juliet
Hello everyone - 4.9
Wow Hazel, you are doing so well! Well done! 🙂

Thanks Alan - Lantus more than halved since Birmingham, as is Novorapid. If numbers are low tomorrow, will drop Lantus again.

Consultant said he wanted Lantus down to 40-45. So far it is down to 38, just about tje lowest I have ever had.