Group 7-day waking average?

good morning. Awake and brain switched on at 0430. Feeling hungry and BG 8.8. Have a good day everyone
Morning from a damp and miserable Cheshire. 7.5 and a very slight headache this morning.
Bore da pawb...just slightly lower than 7.1 and slightly higher than 6.9 for me. (back to Len's Strictly scores again)
Good morning everyone 6.9 today.
8.2 this morning after 5.0 before bed and a 4.5 at 2am???
Morning all, 8.9 for me today. Could be an intresting day at work. I'm in front of some of the company directors at 10 oclock to see if they support a rule change that I am trying to get through.
Morning all.🙂 6.7 here.😛

Thanks for all your best wishes yesterday. 🙂 Ol' Dr Booty-snoots was in a good mood cos my A1c is down (from 8.1 last April) to 7.8 - not much of a dip, I know, but I'm heading in the right direction at last!:D And to celebrate, my body decided to go into insulin resistance overdrive and I spent the rest of the day hovering at around 17, despite my best attempts, bleurrrghch.:confused::confused::confused:

La Doctora Botas had to have a go about something tho (it's her job!!🙄:confused:) - 6 finger pricks a day are too many IHerHO...but, but, can I adjust my doses, drive safely, be safe overnight, exercise safely, etc etc etc on less than 6 finger pricks a day? Answers on a postcard plz.🙄
Morning all, 8.9 for me today. Could be an intresting day at work. I'm in front of some of the company directors at 10 oclock to see if they support a rule change that I am trying to get through.
Good luck!
Morning all, 8.9 for me today. Could be an intresting day at work. I'm in front of some of the company directors at 10 oclock to see if they support a rule change that I am trying to get through.
Good luck Stitch ...what happens if they don't agree with you?
Good luck Stitch ...what happens if they don't agree with you?

It actually makes my life easier as it means the project just gets shelved and I dont have to go to the unions with it!!! If they agree with it the fun starts as its the unions after that!!!
...and what's wrong with Unions? Proper Unions aren't all about bashing the company at any opportunity (can you tell that I was in TSSA for 21 years?) ...probably for another thread