Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone
Hi everyone, 4.4 this morning.

Think I need to reduce Lantus, again
It sure keeps us on our toes. 🙂

I'm on the up again :( 8.7 :(
Morning...7.2 for this morning...would love to get a 6 on week?
Good morning 6.2 , I seem to be hovering around this figure a lot , quite liked being in the 5s though , heyho 🙄
Bore da pawb...a horrible 11.8 this morning. All down to Chinese food last night (we have a take-away about once a month and last night was it) - Mrs J and I share a portion of chicken fried rice and chips so it's not excessive, just too many Carbs for me.
Bore da pawb...a horrible 11.8 this morning. All down to Chinese food last night (we have a take-away about once a month and last night was it) - Mrs J and I share a portion of chicken fried rice and chips so it's not excessive, just too many Carbs for me.
A treat once a month is fine surely Jonsi , otherwise you might go stir-fry crazy ! Sorry couldn't resist ! 😉
Bore da pawb...a horrible 11.8 this morning. All down to Chinese food last night (we have a take-away about once a month and last night was it) - Mrs J and I share a portion of chicken fried rice and chips so it's not excessive, just too many Carbs for me.
I blame the Chinese fur everything
Good morning everyone

It sure keeps us on our toes. 🙂

I'm on the up again :( 8.7 :(
And I'm going down again (please, no pun intended) at 6.3 following mild hypo yesterday evening after archery.
6.4 this morning. Good morning for a happy Friday
Morning all. Its finally friday!!! 8.6 for me today.
Can l join in with these slightly elevated figures? 6.3 for me but l do have a sore throat. Coming down with something, me thinks.:( Oh, & got DSN appt in 40 mins time. We will be talking cholesterol & i'll get the break down figures.
Can l join in with these slightly elevated figures? 6.3 for me but l do have a sore throat. Coming down with something, me thinks.:( Oh, & got DSN appt in 40 mins time. We will be talking cholesterol & i'll get the break down figures.
Grab a spot on the step. No worries about your cold as I still have the remnants of mine.
Good morning all 🙂 and I'm afraid it's a 7.0 today.
14.3 :( Gastroparesis is getting the better of me :(
Morning all! I've woken feeling like I've been hit by a bus that reversed back over me 😡 The joints need oiling.

Haven't tested yet but reckon from the 'piddlemeter' estimate, it won't be a low one :(

Must try harder...chocolate fingers indeed!
Morning all! I've woken feeling like I've been hit by a bus that reversed back over me 😡 The joints need oiling.

Haven't tested yet but reckon from the 'piddlemeter' estimate, it won't be a low one :(

Must try harder...chocolate fingers indeed!
Mmmmmmmm........chocolate fingers (drooool).