Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone . Slightly less than 6.1 today 🙂
Morning...early start...7.5 for me...shouldn't have eaten those Brazil nuts last night...maybe a 6 tomorrow?
Morning...early start...7.5 for me...shouldn't have eaten those Brazil nuts last night...maybe a 6 tomorrow?
Brazil nuts...that's amateur binging Bubbsie! Last night I gave in to a terrible craving for sugar which I've been fighting for several days. I opened some condensed milk and ate half of it straight from the tin. Utterlly disgusting, self destructive and just wrong, wrong, wrong. I was expecting the worst when I tested this morning, but by a fluke I seem to have got away with it. 5.7 for me.
Brazil nuts...that's amateur binging Bubbsie! Last night I gave in to a terrible craving for sugar which I've been fighting for several days. I opened some condensed milk and ate half of it straight from the tin. Utterlly disgusting, self destructive and just wrong, wrong, wrong. I was expecting the worst when I tested this morning, but by a fluke I seem to have got away with it. 5.7 for me.
OMG...condensed milk...wrong on so many levels...had lunch with Stitch yesterday...when the bill arrived...we were presented with choccie biscuits...left them on the evidenced below...I am indeed an amateur.


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Brazil nuts...that's amateur binging Bubbsie! Last night I gave in to a terrible craving for sugar which I've been fighting for several days. I opened some condensed milk and ate half of it straight from the tin. Utterlly disgusting, self destructive and just wrong, wrong, wrong. I was expecting the worst when I tested this morning, but by a fluke I seem to have got away with it. 5.7 for me.
Wow is that ever a fluke Mars , I am in awe - dare not even buy condensed milk ! I would eat the whole tin ! 5.9 for me today . Good weekend everyone 🙂
Back to the 7's today with a 7.5. Never did like roller coasters even as a child.. :(
Morning all, 3.5 here. I knew if I upped my basal I'd meet myself on the way down.
Bore da pawb... A lovely 6.9 before bed last night... and it hung around until this morning 🙂
Morning all, 8.7 for me today.
Good morning everyone. I'm really happy with my 6.5 this morning 🙂
Morning! A more acceptable 5.8 for me. It's funny, the last 3 days, 2hrs after food, I have been 6.9, whatever I eat.:confused:
Oh dear, not happy - 6.7