Group 7-day waking average?

Bore da pawb...a not unexpected 9.3 for me this morning (had half a piece of homemade coffee and walnut cake last evening while watching Strictly 😳)
I was 3.7 this morning. I woke in the night with 3.2, had a couple of jelly babies, got up to 5.2. My !ibre shows that little trip to 5.2, then a slow decline to 3.7. (Confirmed with fingerprick). It's the Lantus that's doing that, and I'd lowered it by another two points yesterday. What's going on? Mind you, I often think that:(
Forgot to test, but funny evening. Had flu jab in morning and upset tum in evening and really tired etc. Had some breakfast this morning then 7.3 about an hour later.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone, I'm planning on continuing to be a lazy slob !!!
I was 3.7 this morning. I woke in the night with 3.2, had a couple of jelly babies, got up to 5.2. My !ibre shows that little trip to 5.2, then a slow decline to 3.7. (Confirmed with fingerprick). It's the Lantus that's doing that, and I'd lowered it by another two points yesterday. What's going on? Mind you, I often think that:(
Is it the lantus, or is it your liver not living up to lantus expectations and releasing less glucose for some unknown reason? Illustrates very well just how crude a solution once/twice a day basal is compared to a fully responsive pancreas 🙄
Aye, well I'm on the list for a pump now, so I'll just hack it till then🙂 My liver, unlike several of my internal organs, is in perfect working order, though it might not be when the large stone in the pancreatic duct blocks the sphincter of oddi. Come back when you turn yellow, the pancreas specialist said:confused:
Aye, well I'm on the list for a pump now, so I'll just hack it till then🙂 My liver, unlike several of my internal organs, is in perfect working order, though it might not be when the large stone in the pancreatic duct blocks the sphincter of oddi. Come back when you turn yellow, the pancreas specialist said:confused:

I remember the pain of the stone stuck in the bile duct Mike (I know the sphincter of Oddi is different to the common bile duct), before they whipped out my gall bladder. Absolutely horrendous pain! 😱 Is it post-cholecystectomy syndrome you have? I know you suffer with pancreatitis and having had episodes before the op, I can attest to it being one of the most excruciating pains imaginable. It's nasty nasty!
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No, I haven't had a cholecystectomy. It's just the calcification in the pancreas that's been going on without my knowledge. That stone may never move, but if it does I'm all too aware of the pain I would get, and you know what men are like with pain. Mind you, at least I'll get a go at some hefty opiates🙂
I was 5.1
Morning...7.9 this morning...yuk.
Bore da pawb 🙂 ... It's an 8.1 for me this morning
4.1mmils for lil ole me after an extended period of luvverly shuteye. Buenos dios to you all 🙂