Group 7-day waking average?

Dreadful 8.0 for me. Highest waking figure for over 3 weeks, and for no apparent reason. :(
8.3 this morning. Busy Monday ahead
4.2 here. and that's after thinking I'd overtreated a hypo (2.6) at 2.30 am. Had decided not to reduce basal after I raised it last week, because I usually do have to put it up for the winter - but after hypos two nights running, obviously not time yet!
Good morning everyone. 10.3 today and the Gastroparesis is really having fun at my expense.
6 before a really good low carb tea didn't have supper and woke at 7.7 ☹️
5.5 this morning
Morning all. 8.8 for me today. A bit later than normal posting as I had a Dr's appointment (see seperate thread once ive done it!)
Morning everyone. I cancelled my shift last night so I could go to the docs today. He's put me on penicillin for tonsillitis which explains the pain I've been having. Trust me to have tonsillitis AND a dodgy wisdom tooth at the same time. I've rang my agency and said I won't be working for the next week but I'm at uni anyway so I'll still go to uni.

I'm 10.1 but I'm writing off all my recent tests since the infection will be making them much higher.
A 6.9 for me. Need to get these morning levels back in the 6's
6.9 IS in the 6's!! Admittedly it's at the high end of the range but it is definitely there...
Oh I know Jonsi! I should have said 'I need to KEEP my levels in the 6's' rather than GET 🙄
OK ...I let you off detention and lines this once ...but don't let it happen again or there'll be ructions 😉
OK ...I let you off detention and lines this once ...but don't let it happen again or there'll be ructions 😉

Oh thank you graciously for your understanding Jonsi! 😱 Looks like they've been serving those 'pinickity sarnies' at the Bar Barmy again! :D
Good morning everyone, 6.2 today.