Group 7-day waking average?

Back on the same step with you Linda with a 6.4!

Hope your appointment goes well. I've got physio
Good luck with the physio Amigo.
Buongiorno miei piccoli raggi di sole this morning for me is, wait for it, wait for it 3.6mmols may you all have a most splendid Wednesday 🙂
Owen Goal I hope that you are OK this morning. Over correcting is something that I personally find difficult to avoid sometimes. I am glad that you managed to avoid the bear trap 🙂
Owen Goal I hope that you are OK this morning. Over correcting is something that I personally find difficult to avoid sometimes. I am glad that you managed to avoid the bear trap 🙂
Yes thanks, I was super pleased that I did not panic, slightly worried didn't see it coming.
Owen Hope your not feeling too bad this morning.
6.6 today
Bore da pawb... Another 8.1 for me this morning.
Morning. Wow, beat Northie this morning! 7.5 for me after going to bed on 6.7. Must be some DP going on. Glad everyone is OK.
Morning...bedtime last night 6.4...this morning 7.5😡
Morning all. Back to earth with a 6.7 after an evening when the levels would not stop rising.
Room on the step with me Bubbsie
Hmm 6.5
Morning all.🙂 7.8 here - can't wait for the clocks to change on Sunday cos then I'll have a solid reason for my BGs being all over the shop!:confused:🙄🙂
Hazel, I'll swap you your 6.5 for my 7.5 and a pepperoni. Who atya say? :D

Ah, that would be a no. My numbers are strangely up this morning, bother
Ah, that would be a no. My numbers are strangely up this morning, bother
Have a check back to what you ate yesterday compared to days in the "5"s . Some things surprisingly affect your levels more than others or maybe its a little DP . 🙄
Morning everyone and happy hump day! a 9.6 for me this morning. Im gonna give the diabetic clinic at my local hospital a ring today and see what they say about things.