Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.6 here, maybe I didn't need to lower basal again.....🙄 this one is going to run and run....
Good morning 🙂 I'm 6.3 today.

Off to the foot ulcer clinic as the little blighter is still hanging on 6 months later 😡 I'll give it 30 seconds after arriving before a local Poirot says " have you hurt your leg"? Well spotted, it's in a great big plaster cast o_O:confused: I must remain calm at all times.....
Good morning 🙂 I'm 6.3 today.

Off to the foot ulcer clinic as the little blighter is still hanging on 6 months later 😡 I'll give it 30 seconds after arriving before a local Poirot says " have you hurt your leg"? Well spotted, it's in a great big plaster cast o_O:confused: I must remain calm at all times.....
I hope the ulcer has decided 6 months is long enough and it's time to move on 🙂 Try to avoid hitting Poirots, and good luck! 🙂
Good morning 🙂 I'm 6.3 today.

Off to the foot ulcer clinic as the little blighter is still hanging on 6 months later 😡 I'll give it 30 seconds after arriving before a local Poirot says " have you hurt your leg"? Well spotted, it's in a great big plaster cast o_O:confused: I must remain calm at all times.....
Just say no, I like wearing this for fun!!! Hope your appointment goes well Flower.
I am 6 this foggy wet morning. My numbers are creeping up, maybe time to increase my lantus. I went to bed on 5.
A reasonably fine 6.9 for me.

Hope you can get some decent advice today Stitch
I don't often post on here 'cos its too depressing - but this morning was 6.0... a major achievement🙂🙂 (this probably means my pattern of need for insulin is going to change tonight🙄)
I don't often post on here 'cos its too depressing - but this morning was 6.0... a major achievement🙂🙂 (this probably means my pattern of need for insulin is going to change tonight🙄)

Aww I'm sorry you find it depressing Susan :(
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.5 after a night shift. Not bad as I couldn't resist the work biscuit tin. Luckily they tasted a bit stale so stopped after 2!
Good luck at clinic today Flower 🙂
I woke up this morning with 8.2. That was because of a slight hypo in the night about 3am which I slightly over corrected with JBs. Now I'd given myself the usual dose of Lantus yesterday evening, haven't eaten anything but a cup of tea, no milk or sugar. And it's reading 12. Fingerprick says 11. According to the Libre record, that's the highest it's been all night and this morning. I don't feel ill, not taken any medication. What the **** is going on?
I woke up this morning with 8.2. That was because of a slight hypo in the night about 3am which I slightly over corrected with JBs. Now I'd given myself the usual dose of Lantus yesterday evening, haven't eaten anything but a cup of tea, no milk or sugar. And it's reading 12. Fingerprick says 11. According to the Libre record, that's the highest it's been all night and this morning. I don't feel ill, not taken any medication. What the **** is going on?
Do you normally have some breakfast? I find if I don't, the Dawn phenomenon kicks in, or more accurately in my case, the Feet Hit the Floor phenomenon, and I can easily go up into double figures by lunch time. Even if I'm eating, I normally need two units of novorapid with a purely protein breakfast, and a couple of extra units added on top for a carb counted one.
( and my basal holds me steady for the rest of the day, apart from a gap while the new dose gets going between 6 and 7 pm, and a swoop downwards between midnight and 3am)
That may be it, but I hardly ever eat breakfast and any dawn phenomenon is usually just a couple of points. While waiting for the Humalog to work, a fingerprick showed 13.5. How do you switch your liver off?:confused:
How do you switch your liver off?:confused:
I understand that alcohol in sufficient quantities would work but I'm no expert ...where's @Diabeticliberty when you need him. Probably admiring his backside in a mirror.
How do you switch your liver off?:confused:
I don't know, but if you find out please tell me! I've found lately that if I want my morning readings to be around the 5 mark I have to spend all the rest of the day playing spot the hypo; but if I drop my Lantus enough to have sensible readings during the day my liver seems to think I want to get up in the morning and find I'm 8ish 🙄
Good morning everyone. 7.0 today