Group 7-day waking average?

Morning campers and I score a reassuring 3.8.
Bore da pawb... An awful 13.2 this morning after a disturbed night :(
Morning folks.🙂 A 6.8 here.😛

It's a national holiday here today, so we're taking our guests to a place called Llames to see the blow-holes then on to neighbouring Llanes for lunch. We might even go for a walk on the beach at Poo too!:D
Morning folks.🙂 A 6.8 here.😛

It's a national holiday here today, so we're taking our guests to a place called Llames to see the blow-holes then on to neighbouring Llanes for lunch. We might even go for a walk on the beach at Poo too!:D
Make sure you have something on your feet! 😱 😉
7.8 for me this morning
Sorry to hear this Jonsi :( Hope your levels improve as the day progresses and that you get a better night tonight 🙂
Thanks @Northerner ... It's the other D. The sneaky hyena (aka the black dog) has been popping up to bother me for the last month or so.
Morning! 5.9 today.🙂 It's funny, l find l can eat something a bit naughty for tea & have good figures after, but it can affect my waking BG.
Good morning everyone 6.3 today.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.9 this morning.
Had a great day in London yesterday and stopped at the Penderels Oak for salad lunch. Good to find the place again in case the forum meet is there! Walked many miles as used an app on phone for directions from Piccadilly back to Liverpool Street and didn't realize was on drive rather than walk setting! Quite a detour! 😱
Morning all, 8.8 for me today.
Morning all 5.6 on a retinal scan morning. Better not forget the shades.
Morning...despite the whole bag of crisps last night...7.5...
Bore da pawb... An awful 13.2 this morning after a disturbed night :(
Sorry to hear that Jonsi...hoping your day/week improves...
Morning all. 8.3 for me today. Nice and sunny and having a lazy holiday. Saving my energy to go LOOK at local gym/swimming pool