Group 7-day waking average?

Thanks Mark...avoiding all ketchup from now on... I was horrified...

Ketchup is disgusting and should be avoided at all costs!
Ketchup is disgusting and should be avoided at all costs!
Stitch I was devastated...particularly as I'd been getting 7's all day...
Are you sure it was the ketchup?
Good morning everyoe. Lovely here. 8.1 for me this morning
Morning all, 11.5 for me. Entirely my own fault - I had a flavoured cider last night and didn't bolus for it oops!
Morning all, 11.5 for me. Entirely my own fault - I had a flavoured cider last night and didn't bolus for it oops!
next time drink Berry & Insulin flavoured Cider
I often have flavoured ciders, but wash them down with a cheeky shot. Reduces the effect.:D
I get the 50% less sugar ketchup. Has no affect on my BG's.
Yuk. I only like ketchup on macaroni cheese, so the damage would be two or ten fold. Don't think brown sauce has much effect, but usually have it with turkey rashers and eggs or anything else I can think of.
I must admit, I've never considered the ketchup effect and I like a drop in tomato sauces. Think of the benefits of the lycopene! 🙂

A 6.8 for me and I'm just off for blood tests and an chest XRay. I'm sick of this totally unreliable body that keep letting me down. Hard to plan for anything :(
Yuk. I only like ketchup on macaroni cheese, so the damage would be two or ten fold. Don't think brown sauce has much effect, but usually have it with turkey rashers and eggs or anything else I can think of.
I had some left over roast pork on Monday evening - I sliced it, covered it in diluted brown sauce and whacked in the Aga for 20 minutes. Mmmm ...lyfli! :D
Morning all 6.0 for me , was hoping to keep down in the 5s but 6 is fine . Having fish and chip lunch with my sister tomorrow so not expecting any great numbers on Saturday ! 🙄 Great results on your review Mark , well done 🙂
I got 5.9 this morning. Stitch, if you don't like ketchup what on earth do you put on your fish finger butties?:confused:
I got 5.9 this morning. Stitch, if you don't like ketchup what on earth do you put on your fish finger butties?:confused:

Mayo or salad cream.
Mayo or salad cream.
OOh really...never thought of that Stitch...will give it a go...I am in London on the 21st...going to pick up the kids...spending a week here with me for the Half term could do before I pick them up...anywhere between 11am to 2:30pm...or after I have collected them around 5pm...of course if it's after may have to tolerate 2 eight year olds...who are delightful (of course I would say that)...but may not be too good for the BG's...
OOh really...never thought of that Stitch...will give it a go...I am in London on the 21st...going to pick up the kids...spending a week here with me for the Half term could do before I pick them up...anywhere between 11am to 2:30pm...or after I have collected them around 5pm...of course if it's after may have to tolerate 2 eight year olds...who are delightful (of course I would say that)...but may not be too good for the BG's...

Dont like ketchup, only like brown sauce in a sausage sarnie. 21st is good for me, between 11 and 2.30 will be better for me, as I normally escape work and london by 3pm!
I had some left over roast pork on Monday evening - I sliced it, covered it in diluted brown sauce and whacked in the Aga for 20 minutes. Mmmm ...lyfli! :D