Group 7-day waking average?

Morning...a disappointing 9.0 this morning...
7.1 for me.
Don't forget the ketchup, mumpat!😛

Morning all.🙂 10.2 here - had a bit of a tapas spread last night at a very nice local bar (cured meats seem to be coated in dextrose and such like these days - how on earth am I meant to carb-count THAT?!!).

Hope things improve for you soon, Amigo.
Certainly won't forget the ketchup Bloden , love it ! Vinegar and dare I say it salt . Mmmm can't wait . My figures are thinking about it already - 6.4 this morning !
Morning all, 8.9 for me today. Feel totally drained this week. Im glad its friday and no boss in work, so an early day for me today.
Good morning all. Stitch I hope you feel better as the day goes on.
6.2 today.
A 7.3 for me and some good news from the Doc that I'm ok to go on my short break! Yippee! 😛

Have a good weekend everyone....I will be mostly drinking vodka! :D
Enjoy your weekend Amigo
Ketchup on macaroni cheese? You need help!😛
Vinegar is a better substitute- don't you dare peuck Mark lol

Maybe we should start a thread "most disgusting food combinations"and another "most comforting food" ????
Vinegar is a better substitute- don't you dare peuck Mark lol

Maybe we should start a thread "most disgusting food combinations"and another "most comforting food" ????
Not even going to comment. Oh, I just did.😛
Morning everyone. 8.8 for me today. High yesterday due to stem ginger biscuits at costa. The second one shouted "eat me" so I had to oblige. One happy biscuit.
Morning all, a very nice round 5 this morning, after a few days of oddly higher numbers 🙂
I find their caramel shortbread just as noisy and insistent Carol! :D
Mmmm, and the lemon tarts. Now there.s a mmm. Just found a 1 carb recipe for peanut butter fudge stuff. Might try that ? Hopefully could stop at 1 square