Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all 🙂 and 7.3 after working til 4am.
A 7.3 for me and some good news from the Doc that I'm ok to go on my short break! Yippee! 😛

Have a good weekend everyone....I will be mostly drinking vodka! :D
Great news the midst of the vodka fest...could you squeeze in a large G & T for me...cheers.
I was 5.2 this morning, and my Libre told me that it had been more or less at that level all night. The word smug doesn't cover it.🙂
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Great news the midst of the vodka fest...could you squeeze in a large G & T for me...cheers.
Have a great weekend amigo
Have a great time, Amigo. Honestly, I'm not jealous at all.🙄
Mmmm, and the lemon tarts. Now there.s a mmm. Just found a 1 carb recipe for peanut butter fudge stuff. Might try that ? Hopefully could stop at 1 square
when you've tried it out can you please let us know if it was a success and then share it (the recipe not the fudge)

ta muchly
Mmmm, and the lemon tarts. Now there.s a mmm. Just found a 1 carb recipe for peanut butter fudge stuff. Might try that ? Hopefully could stop at 1 square
Please please put the recipe on here Carolg ! Love love love the costa lemon tarts mmm
It's on sugar free mom site. Lots of others as well
Yawn. Beat you, been awake for an hour, dragged myself up for cup of camomile tea with the hope of zzz. I can add a 10+ to your figure, serves me right as out last night and made especially bad choice. Am suprised that levels have not come down more though
7.8 for me. I too made a bad choice last night when I went out for a curry, but then I have spent most of this week on the verge of a mini meltdown, so I just gave the D a great big middle finger! However, I was only 4.1 before I went out! I'll be good today.
7.8 for me. I too made a bad choice last night when I went out for a curry, but then I have spent most of this week on the verge of a mini meltdown, so I just gave the D a great big middle finger! However, I was only 4.1 before I went out! I'll be good today.
Think there must be something in the air- oh gosh ...I feel a song coming on. I had a 3.6 yesterday, so ups and downs for me.. yep the middle finger Is a good response to the big D. Another song coming along, this time from Oliver.... I'm reviewing the situation.....
I think that's the first time I've gone on a rebellion. I flippin' enjoyed it too.
Yawn. Beat you, been awake for an hour, dragged myself up for cup of camomile tea with the hope of zzz. I can add a 10+ to your figure, serves me right as out last night and made especially bad choice. Am suprised that levels have not come down more though
Sorry to be a killjoy, but on shift all night so you didn't beat me 🙂
11.5 for me but I'm not too worried out the moment because I am purposely running night time levels higher for a little while after a week of being woken up by 2.7's that needed at least 30g of carbs each time. I would rather run higher for a little while to try to protect the hypo awareness that I still have (touch wood) after 45 years of diabetes.
11.5 for me but I'm not too worried out the moment because I am purposely running night time levels higher for a little while after a week of being woken up by 2.7's that needed at least 30g of carbs each time. I would rather run higher for a little while to try to protect the hypo awareness that I still have (touch wood) after 45 years of diabetes.
Good decision
Thank you Owen.