Group 7-day waking average?

Dont like ketchup, only like brown sauce in a sausage sarnie. 21st is good for me, between 11 and 2.30 will be better for me, as I normally escape work and london by 3pm!
Lovely Stitch...see you then...then...:D:D:D
Dont like ketchup, only like brown sauce in a sausage sarnie. 21st is good for me, between 11 and 2.30 will be better for me, as I normally escape work and london by 3pm!
Oh a spot of 'rocking horse' of my miss it
I had some left over roast pork on Monday evening - I sliced it, covered it in diluted brown sauce and whacked in the Aga for 20 minutes. Mmmm ...lyfli! :D
Hmmmmmm...maybe not...had it with some fish cakes and protein bread...

Possibly potatoe in the fish cakes and were they coated in bread crumbs?
I must admit, I've never considered the ketchup effect and I like a drop in tomato sauces. Think of the benefits of the lycopene! 🙂

A 6.8 for me and I'm just off for blood tests and an chest XRay. I'm sick of this totally unreliable body that keep letting me down. Hard to plan for anything :(
Feel for you Amigo...hope it's not too traumatic for you...I loathe blood tests...they never get any the first go...hope you are feeling better soon.
Feel for you Amigo...hope it's not too traumatic for you...I loathe blood tests...they never get any the first go...hope you are feeling better soon.

The plebbie woman was remarkably good today which makes a change. It's usually a scene from 'The Golden Shot' getting blood from me! Up a bit, down a bit...take fire! 😱 (gawd, knowing that programme ages me! Lol)
The plebbie woman was remarkably good today which makes a change. It's usually a scene from 'The Golden Shot' getting blood from me! Up a bit, down a bit...take fire! 😱 (gawd, knowing that programme ages me! Lol)
ooh...enough...can just feel it now...😱
Possibly potatoe in the fish cakes and were they coated in bread crumbs?
What a plonker I am...yes...afraid to say they were...never thought of that...bugger.
The plebbie woman was remarkably good today which makes a change. It's usually a scene from 'The Golden Shot' getting blood from me! Up a bit, down a bit...take fire! 😱 (gawd, knowing that programme ages me! Lol)
Ah! The lovely Anne Aston and Bernie the Bolt! 🙂
I can only have brown sauce in a bacon sarnie. Otherwise, i can't stand it.
Yuk. I only like ketchup on macaroni cheese, so the damage would be two or ten fold. Don't think brown sauce has much effect, but usually have it with turkey rashers and eggs or anything else I can think of.
Ketchup on macaroni cheese? You need help!😛
Having fish and chip lunch with my sister tomorrow so not expecting any great numbers on Saturday ! 🙄 🙂
Don't forget the ketchup, mumpat!😛

Morning all.🙂 10.2 here - had a bit of a tapas spread last night at a very nice local bar (cured meats seem to be coated in dextrose and such like these days - how on earth am I meant to carb-count THAT?!!).

Hope things improve for you soon, Amigo.
5.1 this morning
Bore da pawb...back to a usual 9.1 this morning :(
Morning all! 6.0 this morning. I'm quite happy with than considering the result after my fish & chips & apple strudel last night (10.2!).