Group 7-day waking average?

A 6.8 for me this chesty morning. The weekend trip is looking dodgy at this rate:(
Hope you feel better soon and your trip doesn't have to be cancelled
God it is an ungodly hour to wake up, but 5.3.
Bore da pawb... Right, wait for it... It's a 7.7 for me this morning. :D
4.2 for me today...which concludes my week of testing. Things seem to be on track so I feel confident about continuing to do what I'm doing.

Good luck with your numbers everyone and I'll pop back in a couple of months for another 'test week'.
Morning all! 5.8 today.🙂
Morning. 6.7 today.
Good morning all and some great numbers this morning 🙂
Mines a 7.2. Little disappointing but never mind. Have a good day everyone.
A 6.8 for me this chesty morning. The weekend trip is looking dodgy at this rate:(
Morning Amigo...still another couple of days to go...hopefully it will clear up and you get to enjoy your trip...fingers crossed.
Morning...thankfully back down to 7.5...after my short lived experiment with a splodge of Ketchup last night (12.6)😱
Morning all, 7.8 here.😱 Had chilli con carne last night, haven't done it for ages, forgot the beans would take so long to get into the system, so was 3.6 at bedtime and overcompensated with a couple of biscuits when I suspect one would have been enough!
Morning...thankfully back down to 7.5...after my short lived experiment with a splodge of Ketchup last night (12.6)😱
I get the 50% less sugar ketchup. Has no affect on my BG's.
Good morning everyone. A real 5.9 today.
Morning all. 9.9 for me today.