Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.🙂 4.2 today - what a difference a unit makes, 24 little hours...what, too early for a bit of singing?🙄
Go on admit it, you don't have D, just like hanging around with us lot, bet you got a clown suite somewhere 😉
I had a high of 6.2 last week. 😛
<Hides the big curly red wig and oversized shoes>
Snap! If there's been no improvement in my A1c, it's back to the drawing board, but this time I'm not in burnout mode. And I finally feel like I'm getting on with my life once more...:D
Good to hear...I managed to look at my results online...difficult to workout at first...but can see some improvement...not as much as I hoped for...more activity for me...feeling quite determined (most of the time(...good luck...'s 7.5 for me...just can't seem to shake off those 7's and 8's
Morning all, 9.5 for me today. Morning highs are still frustrating me and the highs I sometimes get in the evenings.
Good to hear...I managed to look at my results online...difficult to workout at first...but can see some improvement...not as much as I hoped for...more activity for me...feeling quite determined (most of the time(...good luck...
Online?! Now, there's modern.🙄 No such service here. I have to wait till I see Dr (face in her) Boots next Wed. Glad to hear you're happy with your results, Bubbsie.🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.7 today.
Marsbar they are fab numbers. Do you ever get high ones these days? Very very impressed 🙂
Glad you're feeling better jonsi.
Going to London to see Jersey Boys today. Lots of walking!

Enjoy Jersey Boys today. Its a great show.
Online?! Now, there's modern.🙄 No such service here. I have to wait till I see Dr (face in her) Boots next Wed. Glad to hear you're happy with your results, Bubbsie.🙂
I had no idea you could view your own patient records online...until I saw it internet...where are you...Himalayas:D
Go on admit it, you don't have D, just like hanging around with us lot, bet you got a clown suite somewhere 😉

You can't blame the Toadstool for hanging around diabetics. Do you know that type 1's make fantastic lovers. I can of course only speak for myself and not the rest of you sorry saps 😛
2.5mmols on my Libre and 38.9mmols on my Accuchek Mobile. Whoever suggested Libre's are a bit hit and miss obviously needs their head examined.

I was actually 4.1mmols on waking this morning. I also have a spot on my nose. Do you think I should pop it or map its progress and see if it starts to look like somebody famous. Bojo perhaps or maybe........oh bugger its just popped itself 😛
Morning all. 6.1 today .
My goodness...I thought I was an early bird. Some of you are up with the lark. I got a 3.9 this morning. Are my readings a bit on the low side?
No, they are just very good! 🙂 A Muggle might expect anything from 3.3-6.0 on waking 🙂 Doesn't look like you even have to worry about Dawn Phenomenon! 🙂
I still can't, our surgery hasn't got round to setting it up yet.
My surgery has it set up and I'm registered, but can only see my medication, allergies and flu jabs :( I did ask the last time I was in where all the rest of the info was but the receptionist didn't know anything about it :(
No, they are just very good! 🙂 A Muggle might expect anything from 3.3-6.0 on waking 🙂 Doesn't look like you even have to worry about Dawn Phenomenon! 🙂
Well certainly not the high BG variety! 😛
My surgery has it set up and I'm registered, but can only see my medication, allergies and flu jabs :( I did ask the last time I was in where all the rest of the info was information but the receptionist didn't know anything about it :(
Hi Northerner...I had the same problem...just my medication history...on my surgery's system there was an option to ask for full patient records...made the can see more detailed information...maybe worth another look at their system?