Group 7-day waking average?

Thank you Mumpat and LindaRose for wishing me good luck with today's diabetic hospital appointment. I was so steady ALL night between 6.7 and 7.2 waking up with a 7.2 🙂
Fingers crossed AJ...
This cold has the dial stuck on 7.2 and I wish it would shift! 🙄

Hope your appt goes well AJ 🙂

I can totally understand your frustrations Stitch. I always check out your morning levels and groan for must be so frustrating when you're able to regulate them through the day.
This cold has the dial stuck on 7.2 and I wish it would shift! 🙄

Hope your appt goes well AJ 🙂

I can totally understand your frustrations Stitch. I always check out your morning levels and groan for must be so frustrating when you're able to regulate them through the day.

It certainly is Amigo, overall my daily readings arent too bad now, its the morning ones that are frustrating me.
It certainly is Amigo, overall my daily readings arent too bad now, its the morning ones that are frustrating me.
I have something similar ...during the day I'm OK but after my evening meal (when the Humulin has run its course AND the Glic has been reduced) my levels get into double digits and then don't shift a lot overnight.
Sorry for delay - 5.5 this morning
Well it was a 6.1 for me this morning but due to sleeping through the alarm didn't get chance to post. I hope everyone had a good day.
Same here Bloden...mine is the week after yours...kinda looking forward to it...hoping for a vast improvement...
Snap! If there's been no improvement in my A1c, it's back to the drawing board, but this time I'm not in burnout mode. And I finally feel like I'm getting on with my life once more...:D
Morning. 6.8 for me despite the stinking cold.
My goodness...I thought I was an early bird. Some of you are up with the lark. I got a 3.9 this morning. Are my readings a bit on the low side?
Bore da pawb... It's a 10.3 here following yesterday's wobble. Hopefully no repeats today.
Bore da pawb... It's a 10.3 here following yesterday's wobble. Hopefully no repeats today.
Hope you have a good one Jonsi. You were a bit scary yesterday.
Morning everyone. 5.9 today. Excellent figures, Marsbar. How you get down to 3's on diet only is amazing. I've never had one that low.
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.7 today.
Marsbar they are fab numbers. Do you ever get high ones these days? Very very impressed 🙂
Glad you're feeling better jonsi.
Going to London to see Jersey Boys today. Lots of walking!