Group 7-day waking average?

And it's a 7.1 from me
Good morning 8.5 :(
Bore da pawb was a 9.4 chez Jonsi this morning (after 1/2 a bottle of Pinot Grigio last night)

Have a great day... 🙂
Morning all, 9.2 for me today. Looking forward to meeting Marsbartoastie for lunch later.
I like your tough talking message Flower
2.7 for me this morning. After nearly six months of hardly having any Gastroparesis medications following my consultant's dire warnings about their side effects I decided yesterday that I need the medication. Fed up with feeling so ill. So I started them again yesterday and for the last 12 hours I've felt much better and my levels have been much smoother 🙂
Morning all, 9.2 for me today. Looking forward to meeting Marsbartoastie for lunch later.
If you don't take and post pictures there'll be words...
Well 11.2 before bed, 6.5 at 3:15 and 6.6 at 7:30 so still a big drop between 11pm and 3am but steady from then... Not sure where to go from here
Well 11.2 before bed, 6.5 at 3:15 and 6.6 at 7:30 so still a big drop between 11pm and 3am but steady from then... Not sure where to go from here
I have a similar problem, by the looks of it. If I set my basal so I have a flat line between 3am and getting up, I drop steeply in the first part of the night. If I set it so I don't drop, I then have a steep dawn rise. The only way Ive found is juggling it til I get not too bad a drop in the first part of the night, and not too steep a rise in the second. My Libre profile now shows I go to bed around 7.5-8, drop to 4 by 3am, then rise to about 6 before I get up. Obviously, this varies from night to night, I don't get the dawn rise if I've drunk a couple of glasses of wine before bed, but I was 5.2 this morning for some strange reason.( thinking about it, I had sausage and lentil casserole last night, very slow release, maybe that makes a difference, some people swear by a low carb snack before bed to stop the drop)
6.1 this morning
Morning...8.1 for me this morning...not unexpected...crisps before bedtime last night...will get back in 7's today...
Morning all.🙂 5.5 we go again, the Lantus roller coaster! 🙄 Have a fab Thursday ev1.😛
Morning. 7.2 for me. Given the crap day yesterday, those readings surprisingly good - 7.1, 7.8, 8.4 (after a packet of crisps and a double decker), 6.3 and 6.4.
Morning all. It's a 6.3 for me. Thursday nearer the weekend than Wednesday.