Group 7-day waking average?

A late good morning here after working til 4 and a 7.0.
Good results Rosie and Robin! 🙂
Good morning all 6.5 this morn, would rather be lower but heyho . Just got back from seeing nursy . HbA1c down from 7.3 to 6 so its moving in the right direction at least . Weights up a bit so more exercise needed I guess ! I will admit I'm not in love with exercising , if I have a spare hour I'd rather sit and sew ! 🙄
Afternoon all. Rather late today lol. I think my body is trying to tell me something, Before bed 6.5 🙂 Waking 8.0, A couple of hrs later before brekky 8.2 and 2hrs after 10.5
Good morning all 6.5 this morn, would rather be lower but heyho . Just got back from seeing nursy . HbA1c down from 7.3 to 6 so its moving in the right direction at least . Weights up a bit so more exercise needed I guess ! I will admit I'm not in love with exercising , if I have a spare hour I'd rather sit and sew ! 🙄

Nice reduction in your Hb mumpat, well done! 🙂
Good morning all 6.5 this morn, would rather be lower but heyho . Just got back from seeing nursy . HbA1c down from 7.3 to 6 so its moving in the right direction at least . Weights up a bit so more exercise needed I guess ! I will admit I'm not in love with exercising , if I have a spare hour I'd rather sit and sew ! 🙄
Great improvement in HbA1c @mumpat888! 🙂
A late good morning here after working til 4 and a 7.0.

Snap! 🙂

Is anyone else experiencing it's hypo or something?! It seems to be taking ages to react to any buttons I click on....Grrrr.o_O

Great A1c, mumpat!
Snap! 🙂

Is anyone else experiencing it's hypo or something?! It seems to be taking ages to react to any buttons I click on....Grrrr.o_O

Great A1c, mumpat!
@Bloden . I get that sometimes, rebooting usually sorts my recalcitrant laptop or iPad out, if that doesn't work I try teaching them French :D
@Bloden . I get that sometimes, rebooting usually sorts my recalcitrant laptop or iPad out, if that doesn't work I try teaching them French :D

Thanks, Ljc - how do I reboot my iPad?:confused:🙄
Well I've had a zero carb tea consisting of two cheesestrings, two pepperamis and a pot of sugar free jelly. Not very exciting but it was all I had in that didn't involve cooking. Felt lazy! I was 11.2 before tea. I didn't correct. Will test just before bed, then again at 3am, then when I wake up at 7am!

Random question, if I have different basal needs throughout the day and night, how do I even combat that? Being LADA is difficult. I wish I was straight forward type 1!
Random question, if I have different basal needs throughout the day and night, how do I even combat that? Being LADA is difficult. I wish I was straight forward type 1!
Difficult one! I'd say, make sure your basal is working correctly overnight, because there's not a lot else you can do with it when you're asleep. At least during the day time you've got the option of tweaking short acting to compensate for any of your basal's shortcomings.
Bloden, just switch it completely off and back on again 🙂

Here goes nothing - wish me luck!

Morning all.🙂 Another 7.0 here - that's 3 in a row. I'm in 7 heaven.😛
Here goes nothing - wish me luck!

Morning all.🙂 Another 7.0 here - that's 3 in a row. I'm in 7 heaven.😛
Morning Bloden...just did mine...yesterday had three low sevens in a row...this morning dead on 7.00...happy with that...
Morning everyone...three low sevens in a row yesterday...this morning...a 7.00...very happy with that...