Group 7-day waking average?

Your gp, can set it up for you. Not all doctors use the system, give them a call
Thanks Owen...going to do that now...
Your gp, can set it up for you. Not all doctors use the system, give them a call
Just rang them...fill in a form...bring in photo I.D...then can set it up...thank you so much...
Hi idea why...the thought of insulin makes me feel so nervous...even though I have seen posts where some type 2's say they feel so much better once they have started taking it...and I can cope with the Metformin...just got used to it I suppose...although the all too often (now have them regularly...thought that would decrease the longer I took it) Metformin moments are awful...just got used to managing them...think stress is a big thing for me...unfortunately stress is part of my work...and BG now at 7.7 after breakfast must learn to take things in my stride...waiting for HbA1c results which are due in this week...Thanks
I can understand you feeling nervous. I think in my case, because it was insulin or nothing, I didn't have time to think about it. Not surprised your job stresses you out, I qualified as a solicitor ( many years ago now) and did criminal work as part of my articles. Definitely not for me!
I can understand you feeling nervous. I think in my case, because it was insulin or nothing, I didn't have time to think about it. Not surprised your job stresses you out, I qualified as a solicitor ( many years ago now) and did criminal work as part of my articles. Definitely not for me!
Yes agree...when you have no choice you have to manage...not having been in the health system...or rather not using it for so many years...then suddenly everything happened at once...found the whole system a real shock...apart from the acute services which I didn't really have time to think about ...appointments... GP clinics...couldn't get my head round determined I have to manage 'Betty' so avoid complications...stay well and avoid the trauma of navigating all of the my work...stress gives me a real impetus for work...however...the journeys particularly to London (driving) raise my excited just registered to see patient records idea you could do that until saw posts from Stitch and Owen...sad really...excited about that...need to get out more...Thanks
Yes agree...when you have no choice you have to manage...not having been in the health system...or rather not using it for so many years...then suddenly everything happened at once...found the whole system a real shock...apart from the acute services which I didn't really have time to think about ...appointments... GP clinics...couldn't get my head round it...
Couldn't agree more, it wasn't so much the treatment, as getting my head round the appointments systems etc that stressed me out. I remember my GP saying 'I'll put that on a repeat for you' and not even knowing how that worked!
Couldn't agree more, it wasn't so much the treatment, as getting my head round the appointments systems etc that stressed me out. I remember my GP saying 'I'll put that on a repeat for you' and not even knowing how that worked!
This sort of thing really frustrated and annoyed me after diagnosis - I didn't have a clue how things worked - I was fortunate even to have a GP, I used the surgery so infrequently throughout my life! Didn't have a clue about repeats, and certainly didn't know I didn't have to pay for them - at the time I didn't have an income and was on 11 different meds, plus two insulins and needing pens, test strips, lancets, ketone sticks etc. so worried if I would be able to afford it all! 😱 The receptionists at the surgery seemed to think everyone knew the system as well as them! 🙄
Couldn't agree more, it wasn't so much the treatment, as getting my head round the appointments systems etc that stressed me out. I remember my GP saying 'I'll put that on a repeat for you' and not even knowing how that worked!
Thank goodness Robin...I thought I was the only one...same here...had to ask how to do a repeat idea...sent you a pm re:work ...hope you don't mind...
This sort of thing really frustrated and annoyed me after diagnosis - I didn't have a clue how things worked - I was fortunate even to have a GP, I used the surgery so infrequently throughout my life! Didn't have a clue about repeats, and certainly didn't know I didn't have to pay for them - at the time I didn't have an income and was on 11 different meds, plus two insulins and needing pens, test strips, lancets, ketone sticks etc. so worried if I would be able to afford it all! 😱 The receptionists at the surgery seemed to think everyone knew the system as well as them! 🙄
Same here Northerner...I had no idea...frustrating indeed...
Hi idea why...the thought of insulin makes me feel so nervous...even though I have seen posts where some type 2's say they feel so much better once they have started taking it...and I can cope with the Metformin...just got used to it I suppose...although the all too often (now have them regularly...thought that would decrease the longer I took it) Metformin moments are awful...just got used to managing them...think stress is a big thing for me...unfortunately stress is part of my work...and BG now at 7.7 after breakfast must learn to take things in my stride...waiting for HbA1c results which are due in this week...Thanks
Before the Insulin I was TATT (Tired all the time) and just walking was hard work. Eyelids were constantly heavy, just going upstairs meant persuading myself it was necessary. My teeth itched, I wanted to put my body in a sling. I'd sit down and doze off straight away, when I went to bed I'd switch off the light and be asleep before the room got dark! 😉 The Insulin sorted that very quickly and certainly perked up my energy levels. Others warned me about Insulin " don't want to go doing Insulin", "...they'll try to get you on Insulin, but don't let 'em" but I certainly couldn't have carried on the way I was. Stress will send your levels up, it certainly does mine. The trick is to not let the bad stress get in the way - not everything has to be a problem that you have to solve. If you can, bat it straight back to where it came from, you've enough to do without solving their problems for them. Just because you're capable doesn't mean that you should.
Before the Insulin I was TATT (Tired all the time) and just walking was hard work. Eyelids were constantly heavy, just going upstairs meant persuading myself it was necessary. My teeth itched, I wanted to put my body in a sling. I'd sit down and doze off straight away, when I went to bed I'd switch off the light and be asleep before the room got dark! 😉 The Insulin sorted that very quickly and certainly perked up my energy levels. Others warned me about Insulin " don't want to go doing Insulin", "...they'll try to get you on Insulin, but don't let 'em" but I certainly couldn't have carried on the way I was. Stress will send your levels up, it certainly does mine. The trick is to not let the bad stress get in the way - not everything has to be a problem that you have to solve. If you can, bat it straight back to where it came from, you've enough to do without solving their problems for them. Just because you're capable doesn't mean that you should.
Sage advice Jonsi...been helping a friend with an appeal for their housing...hopefully now that's in...I can relax a little real stress seems to come when driving home from jobs...some real stupid 'fudgers' on the road...especially the A1 (m) and London...had some similar symptoms to you for a long while before diagnosis...just put it down to work...stupidly ignored it...but seem to be okay on the MF for now...hoping I can stay on that...and hopefully get off that too...just diet & exercise...we'll see...good to hear those energy levels are rising...and not at work today...going into the garden shortly with a those birds...
Morning. Awful 8.6 for me. Went to bed on a good 6.3......Is there anything I could/should be doing to stop the DP, or should it get better once I'm on MDI and have my basal correct?
Morning. Awful 8.6 for me. Went to bed on a good 6.3......Is there anything I could/should be doing to stop the DP, or should it get better once I'm on MDI and have my basal correct?
Try eating a handful of pistachios just before you go to bed.
So disappointed I missed the holy grail by.
0.2, so that's a 6.3 for me
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Morning all. 7.6 for me. Looks like the oatcake before bed came home to roost.
House Special for Rosie!! 😉 5.2!! Although I was 11 before bed. I'm so confused. Do I have different basal requirements over night? How do I test my nighttime basal? I'm feeling stressed and overwhelmed today but happy with my 5.2!