Group 7-day waking average?

Hazel...did you recover your purse?...hope so...
Yes thank you, handbag, and all contents safely returned the following day, phew!
8.4 for me. Went to bed on 7.1. Getting fed up with this now :(
Yes thank you, handbag, and all contents safely returned the following day, phew!
Blimey Hazel...thank goodness...must have been a nightmare for you...
8.4 for me. Went to bed on 7.1. Getting fed up with this now :(
Less than 2 mmol/l difference overnight is fine - I know you'd rather it was lower rather than higher, but the main thing is that it's staying steady. Remember that blood tests aren't entirely accurate, plus when you wake your liver will be starting to release extra glucose to give you a 'boost' of energy to start the day (that you'd rather not have, thank you very much Mr Liver 🙄)
Bore da's a straight 8 for moi.
Still got not internet at home ...won't be fixed until tomorrow at the earliest ... :(
Budge up Bubbsie, 9.0 for me too.
Hi Stitch...bit disappointed really...was getting 6's and 7's a couple of days ago...must be all that work I've been doing...will have to rethink my approach...weight going steadily...eating better ( I think?) has to be work...and stress...back to the drawing board...
Hi Stitch...bit disappointed really...was getting 6's and 7's a couple of days ago...must be all that work I've been doing...will have to rethink my approach...weight going steadily...eating better ( I think?) has to be work...and stress...back to the drawing board...

Mine is the fact I'm an oddbal MODY and am struggling to get my levels near normal. Dr's again on thursday to see what happens next.
Mine is the fact I'm an oddbal MODY and am struggling to get my levels near normal. Dr's again on thursday to see what happens next.
TBH Stitch I know very little about MODY...going to have a look so can familiarise myself with it...can relate to your struggle...seems when I'm trying hard...numbers go up...when I just relax and take things steady...they go there's a lesson for me...hope all goes well at Doctors on Thursday...when all mine 'kicked off' back in June...the acute stage seemed to go fine...but not sure how much faith I have in the advice I've received since from GP and the clinics at his surgery...fingers crossed for you...
TBH Stitch I know very little about MODY...going to have a look so can familiarise myself with it...can relate to your struggle...seems when I'm trying hard...numbers go up...when I just relax and take things steady...they go there's a lesson for me...hope all goes well at Doctors on Thursday...when all mine 'kicked off' back in June...the acute stage seemed to go fine...but not sure how much faith I have in the advice I've received since from GP and the clinics at his surgery...fingers crossed for you...

My GP is a diabteic specialist and he spotted that I was a bit odd/wierd (his words, not mine). Its quite a rare form of diabetes that I have and only affects about 2% of all diabetics. There are a couple of other MODY people on the forum.
My GP is a diabteic specialist and he spotted that I was a bit odd/wierd (his words, not mine). Its quite a rare form of diabetes that I have and only affects about 2% of all diabetics. There are a couple of other MODY people on the forum.
Just had a quick look at MODY...blimey...must be so difficult...lucky your GP is a diabetic specialist...mine gave me the Metformin...recommended Carbs & Calories...then sent me off to get on with it...if hadn't found this forum would have been to a Desmond course in November...TBH not sure how much help that will be almost five months 'down the line'...had HbA1c last week...hoping for some good news on that...interested to hear how you get on at Doctor's on Thursday...if not too intrusive...take care...
Good morning all - an 11.2 for me this morning - been fighting highs all weekend, have come to the conclusion I'm ill without knowing it! Fingers crossed I drop back to nicer levels soon 🙂