Group 7-day waking average?

House Special for Rosie!! 😉 5.2!! Although I was 11 before bed. I'm so confused. Do I have different basal requirements over night? How do I test my nighttime basal? I'm feeling stressed and overwhelmed today but happy with my 5.2!
Go Rosie, Go Rosie. Take the result. You must have had sticky fingers last night 😉
Morning...7.5 this morning...not bad but feel I could do better...
Morning all, 5.6 here. Off in a mo for my annual review, foot tickling and HbA1c result etc. Shouldn't be bad, but it did include a pasta and strudel fuelled holiday in the run up to the blood test.
Morning all. 10.6 for me this morning.
Morning all, 5.6 here. Off in a mo for my annual review, foot tickling and HbA1c result etc. Shouldn't be bad, but it did include a pasta and strudel fuelled holiday in the run up to the blood test.
Good luck for your review Robin.
Bore Da pawb ...Chateau Jonsi declares an 8.2 this morning.

Got to work this morning, unlocked my Office and there, on the desk, bold as you like was a mouse...😱
...right next to the keyboard! 😛
Bore Da pawb ...Chateau Jonsi declares an 8.2 this morning.

Got to work this morning, unlocked my Office and there, on the desk, bold as you like was a mouse...😱
...right next to the keyboard! 😛
We've recently had mice problems in my office, I'm on the 7th Floor! All cereals and food people keep on desks now has to be in Tupperware pots!
Bore Da pawb ...Chateau Jonsi declares an 8.2 this morning.

Got to work this morning, unlocked my Office and there, on the desk, bold as you like was a mouse...😱
...right next to the keyboard! 😛
Is that not what should be next to a keyboard?
Morning. 14.0 for me :-(. Have changed all my insulin cartridges this morning and hoping for improvement soon. Headache is a killer now tho - haven't seen a single digit in 2 days! Blergh!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine!
Morning. 14.0 for me :-(. Have changed all my insulin cartridges this morning and hoping for improvement soon. Headache is a killer now tho - haven't seen a single digit in 2 days! Blergh!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine!
Oh my! :( I hope that it was the insulin at fault and you see a good improvement very soon - double figures give me headaches too, so I know how you must be feeling :(
House Special for Rosie!! 😉 5.2!! Although I was 11 before bed. I'm so confused. Do I have different basal requirements over night? How do I test my nighttime basal? I'm feeling stressed and overwhelmed today but happy with my 5.2!
Great news about the HS @Rosiecarmel ! 🙂 As you say though, that is quite a significant drop of nearly 6 mmol/l. Might be a couple of things to consider - how long before taking your bedtime reading did you inject your evening meal Humalog? I'm not sure about the uration of Humalog, but novorapid can last up to 5-6 hours for me. So, there's a possibility that you still had Humalog 'circulating' when you took the reading before bed, and this may be partly responsible for bringing levels down. The other thing, of course, is that your basal might be too much for your needs. To check this I would suggest, ideally, having a low carb evening meal and trying to ensure that you inject around 5 hours before bed so that you can be pretty sure your bedtime reading isn't going to drop from Humalog. Then, you need to set your alarm for around 2-3am and test so you can see what 'direction' your levels are heading - levels normally drop to their lowest at around this time, then start to rise again towards dawn.

Like a dream seeing a House Special from you though - brilliant! 🙂
Morning all, 5.6 here. Off in a mo for my annual review, foot tickling and HbA1c result etc. Shouldn't be bad, but it did include a pasta and strudel fuelled holiday in the run up to the blood test.
Good luck Robin! 🙂
Not too bad! 6.4 or 47 in new money. And she did my flu jab while I was there to save me trekking down to the clinic on Thursday.
Good news! 🙂 Hope you don't get any reaction from the flu jab - I was a bit elevated on levels and felt a bit under the weather for a day or two, but then fine 🙂
Good news! 🙂 Hope you don't get any reaction from the flu jab - I was a bit elevated on levels and felt a bit under the weather for a day or two, but then fine 🙂
Thankyou. I've never had a reaction to the jab before, neither sore arm nor fluey symptoms, but I expect this year will prove the exception just as I've got complacent!
Great news about the HS @Rosiecarmel ! 🙂 As you say though, that is quite a significant drop of nearly 6 mmol/l. Might be a couple of things to consider - how long before taking your bedtime reading did you inject your evening meal Humalog? I'm not sure about the uration of Humalog, but novorapid can last up to 5-6 hours for me. So, there's a possibility that you still had Humalog 'circulating' when you took the reading before bed, and this may be partly responsible for bringing levels down. The other thing, of course, is that your basal might be too much for your needs. To check this I would suggest, ideally, having a low carb evening meal and trying to ensure that you inject around 5 hours before bed so that you can be pretty sure your bedtime reading isn't going to drop from Humalog. Then, you need to set your alarm for around 2-3am and test so you can see what 'direction' your levels are heading - levels normally drop to their lowest at around this time, then start to rise again towards dawn.

Like a dream seeing a House Special from you though - brilliant! 🙂

I had my evening meal around 7pm, tested about half 10 and went to bed at 11pm so it is possible that I still had some Humalog still in my system. Thanks for the tip, I shall be testing that tonight and seeing how it goes!!