Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 9.6 for me today. Dr's this afternoon so we'll see what happens.
Bore da pawb's a clear skied, cool, fresh morning and I scored an 8.4 this morning.🙂
Morning all 6.7 for me , bit high for me but a spoonful of chocolate butter icing was never going to do me any good !:(
Good morning all 🙂 and a 7.0 for me today. I'm
Morning all. Heavy cloud here. Still running a bit high at 8.1
Good morning everyone. Woah I don't have a clue what happened last night but I am now completely exhausted. 2.45am 2.7 and I had 30g carbs from Glucojuice. It took 30 minutes to go up. 4.45am 2.7 again!!!! 15g carbs from Glucojuice and four Milk Tray chocolates. I'm now 7.8. Can't afford to be so tired I've got a class to prepare for!
Good morning everyone. Woah I don't have a clue what happened last night but I am now completely exhausted. 2.45am 2.7 and I had 30g carbs from Glucojuice. It took 30 minutes to go up. 4.45am 2.7 again!!!! 15g carbs from Glucojuice and four Milk Tray chocolates. I'm now 7.8. Can't afford to be so tired I've got a class to prepare for!
Ouch! :( Hope things settle for you and that you are able to enjoy your class 🙂
Thank you Northerner 🙂
A 7.3 this morning and 7.2 yesterday. Not good at all for me but I find I'm waking every morning with a thumping headache. Still not over the infection however so might be contributing.

Linda, you've got me intrigued stopping after I'm....what comes next? 🙂

Good morning all 🙂 and a 7.0 for me today. I'm
Ha ha Amigo Do you know I haven't a clue! Did I even type that? 😱
Let's see ....I'm wishing it was a 6.0? That fits in quite well! 🙂
Good morning everyone. Woah I don't have a clue what happened last night but I am now completely exhausted. 2.45am 2.7 and I had 30g carbs from Glucojuice. It took 30 minutes to go up. 4.45am 2.7 again!!!! 15g carbs from Glucojuice and four Milk Tray chocolates. I'm now 7.8. Can't afford to be so tired I've got a class to prepare for!
Hope your feeling better.
Ha ha Amigo Do you know I haven't a clue! Did I even type that? 😱
Let's see ....I'm wishing it was a 6.0? That fits in quite well! 🙂
I'm blame these things on my iPad lol.
Morning all.🙂 4.3 here. Nephew arriving today with girlfriend (oo-er, will she be 'the one'?!) - she's a vet and we're under strictest orders not to ask her to give the dogs a check-up, tee hee.😛
Morning. 6.7 for me.
Morning. 7.2 for me. Given the crap day yesterday, those readings surprisingly good - 7.1, 7.8, 8.4 (after a packet of crisps and a double decker), 6.3 and 6.4.
Did you test 2 hrs after crisps & double decker? I had a Mars bar a few months back & was 9.5 after 1hr, & 6.5 2hrs after. If l only did the 2hr test, l would've assumed Mars bars were good for me. The 3hr test was interesting. Dropped right down to 4.2! Sugar does this apparently.:confused:
Good morning all. It's all change here 3.8.
Did you test 2 hrs after crisps & double decker? I had a Mars bar a few months back & was 9.5 after 1hr, & 6.5 2hrs after. If l only did the 2hr test, l would've assumed Mars bars were good for me. The 3hr test was interesting. Dropped right down to 4.2! Sugar does this apparently.:confused:
Yes it was a couple of hours after. Interesting to know that sugar does that. Just to reiterate, that this is most definitely not a regular occurance, rather a one off blip given the crap news that morning 🙄