Group 7-day waking average?

15.5 this morning. I didn't take my basal yesterday because of the hypo in hospital I had, I was a little scared of dropping low. Back to normal today though. Feeling a little rough but that's mainly lack of sleep. Back to uni 9-4:30 today fun!
15.5 this morning. I didn't take my basal yesterday because of the hypo in hospital I had, I was a little scared of dropping low. Back to normal today though. Feeling a little rough but that's mainly lack of sleep. Back to uni 9-4:30 today fun!
Wise move with the basal 🙂 Hope you enjoy your day! 🙂
There's a converter here, right at the bottom of the page.
Hi Robin...just used that converter...been reading my patient records online (didn't realise could do that until saw it here) BG at start was 17.4...put it in the converter...figures given as HbA1c as 167 at the 66...not sure I have done it right...surely I couldn't have been 167 at diagnosis? and now down to 66...asked it to convert from % (17.4) to mmol...being technologically & mathematically incompetent sure I have made a real horses a**e of it...have I done that right?????
I'm DYING to, just to see her face...😱:confused:🙂
Hi Bloden...when she has finished with the dogs...would you send her over to check Churchill (house cat)...can offer her an incentive...low carb biscuit (is there such a thing)...Thanks
Yes its called celery
Owen have a salad draw full of celery...have to use the nutribullet to get that down...I hate knife needed...start that de-stringing...machine on...
Hi guys. A little higher at 6.4 this morning, but l was in the GP car park & hadn't eaten this morning.
Hi Robin...just used that converter...been reading my patient records online (didn't realise could do that until saw it here) BG at start was 17.4...put it in the converter...figures given as HbA1c as 167 at the 66...not sure I have done it right...surely I couldn't have been 167 at diagnosis? and now down to 66...asked it to convert from % (17.4) to mmol...being technologically & mathematically incompetent sure I have made a real horses a**e of it...have I done that right?????
It is confusing! I suspect the figure of 17.4 was a 'snapshot' BG figure, not an HbA1c. The HbA1c used to be given as a percentage figure, and then a couple of years ago it switched to the current system. The DUK converter is just for converting the old system of HbA1c to the new, not for converting a snapshot BG figure ( like the one you get from a finger prick test, but they sometimes do it as part of a routine battery of blood tests) to an estimate of your HbA1c.
Hope that makes sense, it all gets very complicated, I wish they wouldn't mess around with th measuring systems, I'd only just got used to the old one when they changed it, luckily my surgery still give the HbA1c in both figures.
A rotund but not obese single 7 this morning after the cramp dance all night 😱

I'd help with the figure conversion questions but my brain hurts at the moment! o_O
Hello, forgot to post this earlier

Morning all. A much happier 6.<1 today 🙂
Good morning. 5.7 today. No affect whatsoever from my flu jab yet.🙂
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Good morning 🙂 and the wrong side of 7 today with 7.1.
Hoping to get flu jab at work this morning.