Group 7-day waking average?

And a trio of fives with 5.4 from me
Bore da pawb ... A 12.3 here. Guilty of eating after coming in from Scouts late last night.
Morning all.🙂 A big fat 5 here.😛
Good morning everyone. Sorry to break the 5s :D and a house special too🙂.
6.1 for me.
I sometimes wonder what a non D person would think who's done a google and hit on this thread by accident .
Morning all, 4.1 here. Congrats on all these House Specials, Flower yesterday, Northie today, who will it be tomorrow? things tend to come in threes.
Morning 🙂 It's a long way from from 5 for me today with a great big 13.7. My cannula had half come off in the night. I thought my cgm was alarming a lot - now I know why! 🙄
Morning 🙂 It's a long way from from 5 for me today with a great big 13.7. My cannula had half come off in the night. I thought my cgm was alarming a lot - now I know why! 🙄
Oh dear - does it have a 'snooze' button? 😱 Hope you have a nice, steady day to make up for it 🙂
I set it for a 20minute 'snooze' during the night if it's the same alarm. I was tired and couldn't be bothered to put my glasses on to read what it was saying. Lazy girl - look what I end up with!
I set it for a 20minute 'snooze' during the night if it's the same alarm. I was tired and couldn't be bothered to put my glasses on to read what it was saying. Lazy girl - look what I end up with!
Aw, you're not lazy @Flower, it's perfectly normal to be tired in the middle of the night! Very rude of diabetes to make demands on you at that time, I'll give the Fairy a slap! 😱 😉
Good morning all 🙂 and great to see some HS's returning.
Hope you aren't too tired today Flower.
And it's 6.5 here
Good morning everyone. Sorry to break the 5s :D and a house special too🙂.
6.1 for me.
I sometimes wonder what a non D person would think who's done a google and hit on this thread by accident .
Don't know, but it helps me set little goals, and had really focused my mind
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I am late in posting, but was 4.8 this morning, which I am delighted with as I reduced my Lantus by 10 units last night.
I am late in posting, but was 4.8 this morning, which I am delighted with as I reduced my Lantus by 10 units last night.
I am late in posting, but was 4.8 this morning, which I am delighted with as I reduced my Lantus by 10 units last night.
Excellent Hazel! 🙂 Sounds like things are going really well in getting things under godd control 🙂

Good morning everyone 🙂 6.2 for me this morning, which I am very pleased with as I was a very uncharacteristic 10.8 before bed 😱 That's my first bedtime number in double figures for months, and I was tempted to inject a correction unit or two, but decided to leave it, so good to see it has come down overnight without intervention (and no basal, remember!). I suspect the high was due to the flu jab I had yesterday, had the sweats at night also but just a slightly sore arm this morning 🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.6 here.
That's a good recovery with no additional help Northerner. And hope your arm soon back to normal. Was hoping to get my jab at work this weekend but they don't seem to have anyone doing them 'out of hours' yet.
7.1 for me. Back into the sevens after 8 days of 6's and 5's. No apparent reason : (