Group 7-day waking average?

Bit disappointed...8.2 this morning...
After some fab morning numbers I am disappointed today with a 6.8
Mine are hopefully on a downward trend as the cold slowly improves...7.1 this morning.

Nice to see you back Stitch, hope you had a Disneyfantastic time! 🙂
5.7! I'm actually quite impressed with that. Yesterday I was actually quite naughty. Left over Chinese, handful of M&M's, raspberry mouse and I made a red velvet cake, which of course I had to have a piece of. End of day readings were 5.8! I was certain that I was going to be through the roof last night!
Good morning everyone. 6.1 today.
Unfathomable 8.4 for me, despite being 6.8 40 mins before bed. Typical on the day I see the consultant.
Bore da pawb... It's a disappointing 10.3 from a wild, wet'n'windy Wales.
Morning folks.🙂 A 9.9 here - Libre says DP is back. Strange really, cos I was mega-active all weekend. 🙄
Move over, Angela, 5.6 for me too.🙂
6.3 here and feeling very grumpy. Off for fasting bloods in a mo, so without my usual cup of tea. Lack of breakfast I can deal with. Cup of tea, no!
Good morning 🙂 a poor 10.2 for me after a horrible 1.9 at 11.30 last night. My control was only dropping its washing off yesterday before heading off again!

Be strong Robin 😉 a cup of tea is within reach!
Unfathomable 8.4 for me, despite being 6.8 40 mins before bed. Typical on the day I see the consultant.
that's probably the reason ...body getting all worked up in anticipation of the trials to come. I'm sure you'll be back down to normal very soon. 🙂
Good morning all 🙂 and 6.6 today after a naughty chunk of French stick last night. Was 7.8 before bed.
You'll really enjoy that cuppa when you get it Robin 🙂
Morning all, 7.6 for me today.
6.3 here and feeling very grumpy. Off for fasting bloods in a mo, so without my usual cup of tea. Lack of breakfast I can deal with. Cup of tea, no!
Hi Robin , I'm off for fasting bloods later too , you're right its the no tea that's hard to deal with ! 6.2 for me today , seems to be my average !🙂