Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 🙂 a poor 10.2 for me after a horrible 1.9 at 11.30 last night. My control was only dropping its washing off yesterday before heading off again!

Be strong Robin 😉 a cup of tea is within reach!
And the kettle's on! Advantage of living a five minute walk from the surgery!
Next time you spot your control, tell it it's far too old for you do be doing its washing, and tie it down firmly!
I was 4.8 this morning
I'm a naughty sleep-in this morning (couldn't believe how late it was but I must have needed it). A 6.6 for me and hoping it signals a stabilisation for me after a high week of BG's :(

Sorry you had a bad night Flower.
Good morning everyone. Been awake since 2 😡 , my tum is now calling loudly for its brekkus 😱 so I'm giving in gracefully. 5.8 for me
Good morning. 5.6 for me
Morning all.🙂 6.3 for me...ah, that's better.😛
Another unfathomable high one for me at 8.5.
Good morning everyone. Been awake since 2 😡 , my tum is now calling loudly for its brekkus 😱 so I'm giving in gracefully. 5.8 for me
Sorry to hear you can't sleep @Ljc :( Is there any particular reason? Hope you get a better night tonight 🙂

I'm with @Hazel on the 5.6 step today 🙂
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Morning all, 4.4 here, an unexpected midweek glass of wine last night kept the DP away.
Morning all. A frustrating 13.4 for me today, I was at 10.1 before bed. did that happen? 😱 😉
That was probably a rhetorical question, but you're getting an answer anyway. Someone told me to avoid alcohol for 48 hours before a cholesterol test, so I only had one glass on Sunday, and I discovered OH had saved a glass for me for after my blood tests yesterday, instead of necking the rest of the bottle back himself, which was very decent of him.
That was probably a rhetorical question, but you're getting an answer anyway. Someone told me to avoid alcohol for 48 hours before a cholesterol test, so I only had one glass on Sunday, and I discovered OH had saved a glass for me for after my blood tests yesterday, instead of necking the rest of the bottle back himself, which was very decent of him.
Very thoughtful! 🙂
Bore da pawb ...a 10.2 from me up here in a very grey and windy North Wales
4.4 after dreaming I ate the biggest portion of apple crumble by mistake which was so delicious. In my dream I was trying to work out how many carbs so I could bolus and my numbers then kept getting higher and higher. Thing is all I all can think of now is crumble so going to work out gluten free and low carb version.