Group 7-day waking average?

Bora Da 6.2 Mae fy hofrenfad yn llawn llyswennod
Your hovercraft is full of eels? How are you coping! ( that's what Google translate said it meant any way)
4.1 here, been scraping along the bottom of the Libre all night, after a long walk along the Malverns yesterday.
Your hovercraft is full of eels? How are you coping! ( that's what Google translate said it meant any way)
4.1 here, been scraping along the bottom of the Libre all night, after a long walk along the Malverns yesterday.
I was hoping @Jonsi would have translated, it's a Monty Python thing.
Morning everyone. I'm another one at 6.2
Thats a grand recovery Northener. Hope your arm isn't too sore.
Good morning 🙂 9.3 today, my control has obviously gone away on a September break!

And it's took mine away for company Flower! A 7.4 for me but maybe to be expected until the lergy leaves town 🙄
Bore da hwyr heddiw... It's was an unfathomable 12.3 for me... and it's not got any better :( Looks like what little control I did have has become Flower and Amigo's advance party.
Bore da pawb... Isn't it dark? An 8.3 here after a weekend of higher than wanted readings.
Dark and drizzly. 6.9 for me.
Good morning 🙂 and a cloudy start here. 6.7 for me.
Morning all, 4.1 here, and gloomy, not actually raining yet....but it will.
Morning all , nice day here , bit cloudy but threatening blue sky . 5.8 happy with that after testing some of my baking yesterday ! Must have been the Yoga last night . Have a good week everyone 🙂
Morning all. Im back!!! 9.2 for me today. I'll do an update in the off topic section about my disneyland adventure.
Good morning everyone. Heavy cloud here.
Rather happy with 5.8 after 3.1 before bed yesterday.