Group 7-day waking average?

Another horror night with more coughs, sneezes, mopping and choking than sleep 😳

A not unexpected 7.4

Got my diabetic review this morning if I can haul myself there. Any nonsense from the nurse and I'll breathe on her! :D
Aw, sorry to hear you are still suffering :( Hope the review goes well and the nurse doesn't provoke you! 😱 🙂
4.9 this morning
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Bore da pawb... A 10.5 over here this morning. DSN appointment this afternoon.
Morning all, 7.1 for me today 🙂 bloody tenosynovitis has flared up. Typical during my first week back at uni. Luckily ive still got the wrist splint from the hospital, and some ibuprofen/codeine tablets somewhere!! Happy Friday everyone
Morning. 6.4 for me.
Morning all, 6.3 here. Trying not to get too analytical about my numbers, I've got blood tests for my annual check next week, and I always start overthinking things a couple of weeks before.
Morning all.🙂 6.5 for me - good to be home and back in range!😛
Good morning all 🙂 And 6.6 today
House specials don't seem to be happening so often lately. Well done Flower! 🙂
Good morning everyone. It's bright and sunny outside and a not so bright 7.3 inside.
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Hello 4.2 this morning
A 7.2 for me this morning....infection improving but obviously still in evidence

Hope your wrists don't play you up Rosie 😡
Morning all, 6.3 here. Trying not to get too analytical about my numbers, I've got blood tests for my annual check next week, and I always start overthinking things a couple of weeks before.
Me the same.