Group 7-day waking average?

Morning. 6.9 for me.
Bore da... It's an 8.3 over here
5.9 this morning.

Enjoy your day everyone
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3.4 here, oops, must have been that over enthusiastic flat pack wardrobe building I was doing yesterday evening. ( it said self assembly on the box, but I waited a couple of days and it hadn't moved, even after i'd asked it nicely, so I thought I'd just better get on and do it myself)
Morning all 5.9 for me after an evening ranging from 2.9 to 10. Digestiion seems to be on a go slow so trying to work out timings for bolus Grrrrr
Move up, Khskel, 5.9 for me too 🙂
Good morning. 5.3 for me 🙂
Morning All 6.2 today
A ghastly night with the cold from Hell resulting in 2 readings of 8.1 and 7.9 on waking (not that I really went to sleep).

I've started myself on the antibiotics the doc gives me as a precaution (first time I've had to take them). Hoping it can stop anything nasty developing. Fingers crossed folks :(
Sorry you're having such a rough time Amigo. As soon as the sun goes the dreaded lurgies seem to take over.
Hope the anti biotics stop things getting worse. Maybe you need a stiff drink at the bar! :confused: