Group 7-day waking average?

3.0 for me - ops. Must remember to reduce my background after working out!!! (*Slaps wrist!*)
I forgot to flippin' test before brekky! So, I did it pretty much right after. 6.1.
A higher than NICE 7.3 for me. Be glad when I'm feeling better. Seeing the doc today.
4.4 after dreaming I ate the biggest portion of apple crumble by mistake which was so delicious. In my dream I was trying to work out how many carbs so I could bolus and my numbers then kept getting higher and higher. Thing is all I all can think of now is crumble so going to work out gluten free and low carb version.
Hi New-journey , I have made a gluten free sugar free crumble with rice flour and Stevia sugar non-sugar ! Hubby had custard but I had natural yoghurt , you can have crème fresh if you want it a bit sweeter . (Can't remember how to spell the "fresh" bit !) Don't forget to sweeten the fruit with stevia as well . Sorted ! 5.8 for me this morn 🙂
Shouldn't that be 'test, bolus, eat, repeat'? 😱 😉
It's early, or late in my case, just sounded a little better on that sequence. Test, bolus, test, repeat oops forgot to eat again, which I sometimes have done. Porridge goes into microwave, and stays there for a few hours
6.2 which I will take after last night's before bed shocker of 10.1
Excited...6.2 last night before eating...6.8 this morning...first time I've had two sixes in a row...
Morning all! 5.3 for me today.🙂
Morning. 7.4 today. Slowly seems to be coming back down.
Morning all 5.4 for me. Digestion very slow last night
. Took the last of my bolus at 1am
Morning all.🙂 3.8 here...bleurrrghch. Never did like roller coasters!🙄
Morning all, 6.2 here too. Is there room on your step for me, Mumpat?